Unlock the f*cking door

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Taehyung lingered for a moment, waiting to hear both locks click before he walked off.

"V?" Jungkook's voice rang out as Taehyung approached the stairwells.

"Kook, what are you doing here?" He asked casually as he made his way towards him.

"I was bringing Ella some dinner." He explained, brows furrowed as he gestured to the brown paper bag in his hand. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh I- we were hanging out I guess." Taehyung answered sheepishly.

The younger boy's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean hanging out? Ella said she needed to study."

Taehyung shifted his weight, trying not to grow defensive at the accusation in Jungkook's voice. It would only escalate the situation.

"She was studying, I just brought some adderall, and then I napped in her bed." Taehyung explained, flinching as he realized what he said.

"You guys napped together? In her bed?" Jungkook's voice lifted.

"I napped. Just me! She was at her desk studying the whole time, I swear," Taehyung tried, raising his hands in the air as a visible sign of his surrender.

"You don't have your own bed at your house?" Jungkook snapped irritably.

"It's hard to explain."

"I'm sure it's not that difficult." Jungkook spat back, his fist were clenched at his side so tighty the knuckles were turning white.

"I didn't sleep with her dude, I wouldn't go after your girl like that, but sure go off with your assumptions. I don't care," Taehyung sighed as he tried to push past Jungkook.

"She's not my girl," Jungkook shoved him.

Taehyung laughed, unamused.

"Sure, but just a heads up she had plenty tonight, she probably doesn't want your shitty takeout." Taehyung lied, wanting to get under his brother's skin a bit more.

Taehyung knew things had been a little tense since he and Jungkook interrogated Nox weeks ago. He knew the boy was upset about his failure, but his pride made him more upset about Taehyung's success in getting the information they needed from the trafficker.

This moment was a long time coming for the two of them.

"Ay! Is there a fuckin problem?" Someone shouted from behind.

Both men whirled to see a group of guys making their way towards them.

"Black Tips," Jungkook hissed as he recognized Finn, second in command of their rival gang.

Taehyung clenched his jaw and nodded before forcing himself to relax, leaning back slightly and placing his hands in his pockets.

"Not at all gentlemen, how are you this evening?" He called back, not wanting the situation to get hostile.

Jungkook rolled his eyes but followed his lead, shifting his weight so he didn't look so rigid and ready for a fight.

"Not at all, huh?" Finn leered back as he approached, "But I am wondering what the hell the two of you are doing on Black Tip territory." He questioned.

Jungkook laughed and Taehyung tried to give him a pointed look.

"Something funny boy?" Finn taunted irritably.

Finn was a middle-aged man who had seen better days, his tan skin was covered in liver spots, and his face was deeply lined in wrinkles Taehyung's skin care routine would never allow. He was long and built like a scarecrow, but Taehyung knew from personal witness that he was a buff ass scarecrow, capable of holding his own. While his clothing fell loosely on his body, the man was sturdy as a bull.

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