The email

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It was now nearing 10p.m. and you and Hobi were still lingering in your booth at the diner. Losing track of time as he told you a handful of pg-13 gang stories as he reminisced the good ole' days of BTS with you. You would be lying if you said you didn't find it all fascinating.

You still hold your ground that you didn't approve of murder. However, the petty crimes BTS committed when making their start; let's just say, your moral lines blurred a bit more there. You weren't a total prude.

You were also aware of the evident class and racial lines that were drawn in your society. As an immigrant in Kros, you definitely didn't mind eating the rich, especially after the brutal 8 hour night shifts at your previous job, where you were paid minimum wage and went straight from work to classes in a daze.

Until working at Sugar Daddy, you knew you were previously underpaid and worked to the bone, fighting against a seemingly impossible system to keep the lower class down.

BTS actively fought that system, they made efforts to sponsor and uplift small business owners on the West Side.

The way Hoseok tells it, the 7th ward has such a popular downtown area because BTS granted loans with forgiving interest rates to those business owners. And they're supporting community growth on neighboring rodes, hoping to expand the safe space and tourist attractions they had in the 7th ward. The gang was surprisingly political in that sense.

"I just remembered, I need to feed my cat," you gasped as you checked the time on your phone.

"Cat?" Hoseok asked in confusion.

"Yea, I ended up taking in Jeremy the other day."

"You did not let that ugly ass stray into your apartment. Y/N, I told you, you could leave out food for him, but he is not an inside cat. He's probably pissing all over the place." He lectured.

Your new cat, Jeremy was most definitely pissing all over the place. He also used the wall in the kitchen as his personal scratching post, and you were definitely not getting your security deposit back.

But, you have been feeding Jeremy since he wandered by your apartment complex four months ago. Hoseok would never let you bring him inside, but the other day, you decided to take him out of spite, and you couldn't go back on that decision now. Besides, you were pretty sure it was going to rain sometime that week, and poor Jeremy hates the rain.

"Your hair is red. You do not get to criticize me," was your only response as you slid out the booth and headed for Hoseok's car.

"I was pretty disappointed when I saw you didn't have bangs, but now it makes sense," Hoseok said as he followed you out before leading you to the car.

You couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

You both got pretty impulsive when you were coping with any kind of drastic change in your life. And you would be lying if you said getting Jeremy was the only reason you didn't have bangs or a new tattoo.

You smiled to yourself, realizing that the two of you were wishing impulsive changes upon each other to feel validated in your friendship. As silly as it sounds, you both found it to be a small reassurance.

Despite Hoseok's assurance that Jungkook was 'taking care' of the hooded man who was following you, you couldn't help but keep your eyes peeled, trying to check every shadowed nook and cranny as you made your way down the street. Hoseok noticed your apprehension and slung a protective arm around you.

"I got you," he assured, keeping a close hold of you as the two of you made your way to his car. He unlocked your door first and watched you slip into your seat before making his way around the vehicle and letting himself in.

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