Meeting with RM

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You tried not to fidget or appear nervous as you waited in the empty conference room in the East Wing of the Den. You still marveled at the fact that one side of the home was an upscale bachelor pad with all the amenities of a luxury apartment complex under one roof, while the other side held the sterile and professional atmosphere of an office building.

You gave yourself a moment to take in the architecture of the room; there were three tall windows on the wall across from you, giving you a view of the manicured lawn and what looked to be a rose garden on the far left of the grounds. The walls were painted a deep blue, which gave an atmosphere of professionalism and restraint. The long, walnut-colored conference table was surrounded by black, straight-backed office chairs, and one of the far walls had what looked to be a roll-up projector screen.

You passed some time imagining what kind of presentations a gang had any business doing in a conference room, amused by the thought of RM making powerpoint presentations for their organized crime. You wondered if RM likes his bar graphs in neutrals or earth tones.

You adjusted your blouse to make sure it was falling perfectly and saw that the knuckles on your right hand were already showing faint signs of bruising.

You knew you were too rough this morning.

RM wasn't able to meet until noon, so Jungkook insisted you started your morning on the West side of the Den, training with him in the private gym. In the past week and a half since Nox, a notorious smuggler and newly initiated member of the Black Tips followed you through the alleyways of the 7th Ward, Jungkook has been adamant about your protection. Proudly informing you, it was his duty to oversee your safety and surveillance, and that included your ability to defend yourself.

While you were thankful for it, it still made you uncomfortable to think that Jungkook felt responsible for your life, more specifically, felt indebted to you.

You liked to think that you and Jungkook were growing to be good friends, but you questioned your relationship constantly, wondering if you were just taking advantage of his duty to fill your loneliness.

Regardless, Jungkook worked with you every free moment he could get, teaching you more basic self-defense techniques and slowly working his way onto offense. This morning, he had you in front of a punching bag for almost an hour before he let you dress for your meeting with RM.

But now, as you inspected the hues of purple blooming on your knuckles and felt the deep ache set into your sore muscles, you found yourself questioning how much you really valued his friendship. Jungkook could sometimes be a merciless teacher, never pulling you out of your comfort zone, but continually pushing the line back inch by inch until you found yourself swinging your right hook at the padded targets in his hand, something you would have never dared trying a week ago in fear of hurting him.

Hoseok voiced interest in you learning how to shoot a gun, but you avoided the topic as much as you could. The self-defense you could understand, but if it was up to you, you didn't have any business being near a gun, much less shooting one. The only time you planned to touch a bullet is when you're digging them out of your patients on an operating table at work.

You startled as the door behind you opened, and RM entered the room.

You stood bowing slightly to greet him as he reached out to shake your hand.

"Y/N, how are you? I hope you didn't have to wait too long," he greeted before making his way around the table to sit across from you.

You mumbled a nervous response, respectfully dismissing his apology before you settled yourself back down in your seat.

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