A Whim

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A/N: Thank you to everyone for the well wishes! My wedding was lovely and my husband and I are happily getting settled into our new lives. A small peep of my wedding dress is at the end of the chapter 🥰

"Are you going to help?" You snapped at him.

Jungkook blinked rapidly before stepping forward aiming his gun at the man as he did.

"You're in a room full of knives and you use a broom as your weapon?" he questioned teasingly.

"I thought you would be happy I kept my shoes on." you teased back, "and put that thing away." you ordered pointing at the gun, "You're going to kill somebody if you shoot from this close a range."

Jungkook held his tongue to keep himself from saying 'That's the point.' and settled with "Can you go tell the guys to bring me some rope so I can tie this one up?"

You agreed before stepping out into the wrecked shop where Taehyung and RM were now tying up three unconscious men.

"Ella are you okay," immediately you were wrapped into a hug from Jimin you stiffened before melting into his welcomed warmth and hugging him back. The weight of what tonight meant for your friend settling in your gut.

V stood up at your entrance, his expression unreadable, but after assessing that you were not physically hurt he pushed past you and into the kitchen to help Jungkook offering you a single nod as he passed.

"Jimin I don't know what happened. I couldn't stop them" you pulled away to turn to a sullen Seokjin "Jin I'm so sorry" your voice was thick but you refused to let tears well in your eyes.

The gang needed you to stay composed at this moment. You needed to keep it together for yourself. This was their safe space and it had been wrecked because you got too sassy with your interrogator.

"Y/N, stop," Jin had his hands on both your cheeks as tears began welling in your eyes you began shaking your head no as if that could stop them. "Y/N. You're safe and that's all I could care about right now. Let's get you home before you go into shock."

"I'll take her," Jungkook said making his way out of the kitchen.

Jin hesitated.

"V is finishing up the guys in the kitchen, he said he was going to take them to the greenhouse with RM. You and Jimin should both work on damage control for this. Let me take Ella back to the Den so she can get a breather before you question her." Jungkook negotiated.

Jin looked at you as if asking for permission and you nodded in silent agreement before following Jungkook out into his car.

"Adjust the temperature however you need," Jungkook offered already reaching to turn on the heated seat. And you realized you were shaking.

You fiddled with the knobs silently adjusting the temperature the way you liked before settling back into the seat and looking out the window. You knew you should be scared and your thoughts should be racing a mile a minute. But your head was empty. Your adrenalin was crashing and you felt numb as if you were watching yourself outside your body. Not numb you felt defeated and powerless.

You had successfully protected yourself from four men, sure. But you felt helpless to the fact that a group of men could barge in at any moment to question you. You felt like it was out of your power to prevent something like that from ever happening again.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Jungkook finally asked breaking the silence.

"Not yet," you muttered.

"Ella," Jungkook sighed and you knew he didn't want to push you, "I don't want to pressure you. But you should be trying to remember everything you can before the effects of the gas really start to set in. You were exposed to a lot."

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