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Chapter 7

Wei Li Lian
Imperial Concubine Wei

Li Lian was just descending the stairs of the junior’s quarters building, coming from cleaning up the mess that baby left on her clothes, when she abruptly stopped.

What were the odds?

She observed Luo Meng, who was discussing something with the imperial guards Yuwen Hong came with. He was in all black as usual and Li Lian continued to watch him like a lion about to pounce on its prey, but waiting for the right time.

Rage flared her veins.

He was really a traitor. Had it been so hard for him to outright tell her that he would not be keeping her secret? It was not that difficult, but since being a snake suited him better, he had lied through his teeth.

When he had his back completely to her, she made a run for it and flipped her body from the ground landing on his back. She dug her nails into his ears and pulled them hard. It was his ears that were a problem, they heard things he seemed to not be able to keep shut about.

“Who dares!” he yelled as he shook her, but she hung on tight. It was like riding a wild horse, still to be tamed. “Get her off my back!” He told the guards, but they looked around, not willing to touch her. Who would dare touch an imperial concubine?

“Rat!” She slapped him hard on his face from the back. “I will tear you up, you gossiper, who cannot keep your ugly mouth shut.”

Somehow, he finally managed to drop her from his back, instantly pulling out a sword from his case.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she warned, holding one hand up in a protective stance.

“Imperial Concubine Wei," he said sarcastically. "Is that how you should address your Older-Brother-In-Law?”

She frowned. “What did you drink? I have no sister.”

He smirked, lifting his hand higher, so she could see the red shiny jewel piece on his wrist that men who were engaged wore. The metal was heavy and shone due to its expensive nature.

“If I had a sister who was stupid enough to marry you, I would drink my own urine.”

Luo Meng burst into laughter. “You have become so vulgar in the time you were gone. I hope the emperor dumps you here. It suits you.”

Fang Qing had her speaking that way. He was the worst of company, and his vocabulary was like mud, that she would have to work on speaking eloquently when she was back in the palace.

The palace? Why did she just assume that she was going back to the palace? She wasn’t giving in to Yuwen Hong, was she?

“If being dumped here has me far away from you, wouldn’t that be good?” she berated him.

“I am getting married tomorrow,” he declared, still the smug look on his face.

“I hope she gives you poisoned wine, whoever the poor woman is.”

“She was gifted to me by the emperor as a decree.”

Who cared what Yuwen Hong decreed every minute of the day? She didn't. "Figures that it was a decree. I can't imagine any woman wanting to marry you willingly."

“That isn’t what your sister thinks. She thinks I'm her gold, a treasure, especially when she snuck out with me over you."

He had lost it. What was he talking about?

Li Lian laughed and spat on the ground, the most vilest of acts she could ever do, she did it. “See that on the ground? That is what you are, Luo Meng,” she coated it with the brightest of smiles.

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