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Chapter 77

Crown Princess Elora

Yun Xiang was indeed his father's son. He had a temper one could not stand when he was irritable.

First and foremost, whenever he was awake, it was imperative that a bottle was placed in his mouth in the absence of his wet nurse. It was indeed his father's appetite he was harnessing at such a young age.

Elora started to worry he was over-feeding, though her mother quelled her by insisting he was at an age where he needed to grow and that needed a lot of milk.

In the realm of royalty, it was customary for servants to attend to the needs of royal children. However, Yun Xiang was a unique exception. He rarely required the assistance of servants, as he was often under the watchful care of his grandmother. In her absence, his mother and grandfather took on the responsibility.

Unfortunately, Oren proved to be the most indulgent of them all, and it was already evident to Elora that he might pose challenges in the future. He had a tendency to cater to Yun Xiang's tantrums, and in his eyes, his grandson could do no wrong.

Due to Yun Xiang's premature birth, his developmental milestones progressed at a slower pace compared to children of his chronological age. This was a common occurrence. However, what was uncommon to other children were the moments when his delicate heart struggled to function properly, leading to days of illness. He would become lethargic, spending most of his days asleep, and refusing to drink his milk.

Those were the days Elora missed his temper and fits. At least when he showed such an attitude, it indicated he was doing well. But thank the Heavens for her mother being around. Queen Elora always seemed to know what needed to be done when Yun Xiang's health needed it.

When a month passed, it could not be avoided for Elora to leave for war. Leaving Yun Xiang behind was one of the most difficult things she had to do. Obviously, Yun Xiang would be in good hands with his grandmother, but part of her feared he would not remember her whenever she managed to return.

You see, Yun Xiang was a sensitive child. After all, he was not an average child as he belonged to the royal bloodline of both Nevoria and Furia.

He could tell if it was a stranger holding him, his wetnurse, or his relatives. When someone whose essence he was not familiar with held him, he loved to scream and cry as a dog would do when a thief crept into the yard of its owner at night. Elora wondered if he would treat her the same as a stranger if she tarried and took longer than expected to return home.

"Furia has brought 3,000 comrades-in-arms as reinforcements. How can it be compared to Nevoria which has arrived with 40,000?" Elora heard one of the guards speak at the back of her tent.

"These 3,000 are not just any service men and women. It is nobles with high-ranking abilities. They all can fly and are equipped with magic. Each will be able to take down a thousand of Nevoria in just one swipe," the companion to the first speaker responded.

"The army of Nevoria exceeds 100,000, while Nevoria and Furia who have suffered major losses would be lucky to reach 15,000. We are committing suicide. I cannot bear it when I have a pregnant wife waiting for me at home."

"You are worried too much. The Lord Liege, Senior General Oren, and Crown Princess Elora are here."

"The Crown Princess is stepping into the battlefield for the first time. What benefit will she bring? She just gave birth and is probably weakened."

"You are overthinking. Her Highness is admirable. She cultivated even in the last three months of her pregnancy."

Elora remembered the fake belly she wore when Yun Xiang was born so people would not ask questions. When she started her cultivation, she was still weakened by labor.

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