Pursuing Favor

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Chapter 64

Princess Elora

Three moons, six fortnights, and still it felt like yesterday when Elora had to part from Yuwen Hong. Even time had not made it any easier to accept the vault left in her heart.

Through the messenger bird her father provided, she managed to write to Yu'er, hopeful that one of her many letters would remind him of his love for her and he would seek her out. He had not done that.

It had become a sickening cycle of disappointment. Writing a letter, looking forward to the bird coming back with his reply, only to see its empty legs. Then instead of giving up, she relied on the false hope that maybe he did not reply because he was on his way to get her. Yet days would follow with no appearance from him.

In the background of pining for the one she couldn't have, she was unconsciously settling into life in Furia. She abandoned her qualms for solitude and began to attend every meal.

Oren, the devoted father, convinced her to wake up early to watch him practice with the Furian army during the morning drill. On some days, she was in a better mood and would practice and learn from him due to his unyielding persistence for her participation.

It was a month after Elora's arrival that her mother decided it was time for her to start preparing for the throne seat. Obviously, Elora objected. She was in Furia to pass time, waiting for Yuwen Hong's heart to heal so he could have her by his side once again. No intentions did she have to be in Furia forever.

It was shameless, but Li Lian sometimes placed her hopes on Cai Wenjin. Yuwen Hong could be stubborn to forgive her betrayal, but the father part of him wouldn't be as difficult if his daughter started to cry for her "Li Lian". If Cai Wenjin continuously pressed on the absence of Li Lian, who had become her treasured friend, would that leave space for him to forget her?

Hopefully not.

But well, it was a week before Elora would give in to Queen Elora's persistent grousing. Because after all, it would not hurt to act like the dutiful daughter her mother wanted her to be. A dutiful daughter for the negligent mother.

What a "match".

Her daily routine began with a two-hour bathe in the lavender flowers' pond. Since the lavender flower was her favored flower, its scent and properties were to revive her Aura Strength.

Thereafter, she drank selected potions to strengthen her back. Because as the priestess explained to Elora, seeds needed fertile ground to grow and sprout to life, and the same was for the wings. A strong back would be fertile ground for her wings to break forth.

Elora's diet was changed to include foods that would aid the growth of wings. They loved to feed her purple vegetables and snow-white beans the most, which were not as vibrant as the food she was accustomed to eating when she shared meals with her beloved.

During the day, she spent time doing what she disliked the most - reading on the laws of Furia beside her mother. Queen Elora was her temporary teacher until the Liege Lord picked a tutor for her, which he was taking his sweet time on as two months later, no tutor had been assigned.

"Your Majesty, Lance presents himself for your audience," the guard announced at the entrance of the library.

Unlike Nevoria, where Elora was used to studying in a dedicated study room, in Furia, they studied in the library. It was a large room that was endless in height that some books required a ladder to reach for on the upper shelves.

What's more, there was no sunlight to motivate her studies like the Dragon Palace study quarters, which had minimal furniture, a large space for ease in focusing, and huge open windows to let in the fresh air. You did not need a candle to assist you in studying during the day.

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