How to Save a Life

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Let him know that you know best

Cause after all you do know best

Try to slip past is defense

Without granting innocence

Lay down a list of what is wrong

The things you’ve told him all along

And pray to God he hears you

And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along the bitterness

The Fray – How to Save a Life


“To the left,” Geviana instructed as the movers brought the furniture into the reception area on the top floor. Gingerly, they laid the cream colored couches as directed.

Nell smiled at the young decorator as she walked in that morning. The walls had been painted a soft peachy color, and the lighting had been rearranged to make for a much more comfortable environment. Fresh flowers were in abundance everywhere, and Nell couldn’t imagine going back to the drabness that used to hang over the office.

“Morning, dear. Is my nephew in, yet?” Nell asked.

Geviana straightened. Nell had a nephew?

“Who’s your nephew?”

Nell’s tinkling laugh, so much like Ashley’s, rang through the crisp morning air, “Alex, of course. Didn’t you know?”

Geviana shook her head as a broad grin came over her face. The puzzle pieces fell into place. So that was why Alex always seemed to be so affectionate with Nell, and why he always heeded her commands.

“Alex! There you are, we were just talking about you!” Nell exclaimed.

“Nothing bad, I hope,” Alex mumbled, walking over to his aunt to give her an obligatory kiss on the cheek.

Geviana did a double take. She almost didn’t recognize him. Gone was the clean cut, boyish looking man who always had a smile on his face. Bags circled Alex’s sapphire colored eyes, which looked weary and blank. Stubbly and hair grew lightly along his jaw, and his hair looked flat and unstyled.

He didn’t look too happy, and Geviana could see why.

Alex’s eyes glanced cautiously toward Geviana, and he offered a weak smile, which did wonders for his appearance, “Morning, babe. This place looks good.”


Silence stretched, but Nell took no mind. She flitted off to get some coffee, leaving the two alone.

Alex heaved a heavy sigh, “I don’t know what to do about Ashley.”

Geviana arched an eyebrow, she hadn’t heard from Ashley since Saturday. “You better tell me exactly what happened Saturday, or I will personally make sure that children are not in your near future.”

Alex winced, and he exhaustedly sunk into one of the new couches, “I ran after her. I couldn’t just let her leave thinking that I just wanted to hit it and quit it. I apologized, but…I didn’t know what to say to her after that. Geviana, I like Ashley, I do, but I’m not a relationship kind of guy. I don’t do commitment. The thought of it scares the shit out of me.”

Geviana could relate.

“So we had some breakfast, and we talked, laughed, but we didn’t say anything about the night before after that. I guess we’re just pretending like it never happened.”

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