What Goes Around Comes Around

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Is this the way it's really going down?

Is this how we say goodbye?

Should've known better when you came around

That you were gonna make me cry

It's breaking my heart to watch you run around

'Cause I know that you're living a lie

That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...

What goes around, goes around, goes around

Comes all the way back around

Justin Timberlake – What Goes Around Comes Around


"What's going on?" Kyle asked slowly and deliberately, the back of his neck feeling feverishly flushed form the scene that was displayed before him.

Slowly, Geviana picked herself off Christopher's lap and smoothed out the wrinkles in her pants. Electricity crackled through the air as heated glances were exchanged all around.

"What does it look like?" she asked quietly, not able to keep the sarcasm completely out of her voice.

Kyle's gaze hardened, and he shot Geviana the iciest look she had ever seen from him. She returned it with an equally venomous glare. There was no mistaking the immense dislike emanating from the two.

"Christopher." Kyle's tone clearly stated that he wanted to know everything there was to know, and he wouldn't believe it unless it came from his own brother's mouth.

Christopher could feel another blinding migraine surface. He still hadn't quite recovered from the shock of seeing his brother in the doorway, gawking at the two of them with...a look of utmost betrayal in his soft gray eyes. Then, those gray eyes had hardened with a hawk-like ferocity, one that Christopher often recognized within himself.

Christopher didn't know what to say, and he felt completely torn. On one hand, he felt terrible that in all actuality, he hadn't been the brother he should have been to Kyle. On the other hand, he couldn't deny his feelings for Geviana, and the nagging feeling that he would have to choose between the two was growing stronger.

"I'm dating Geviana," Christopher said calmly, carefully gauging Kyle's reaction. Kyle's eyes widened, but otherwise, he showed no outward signs of anything elese.

Kyle swallowed hard. "How did this happen?" So far, his tone was calm, but he had picked up some things from Christopher. Beneath the calm, there was an underlying tone of fury that Geviana and Christopher could recognize. It only served to make the duo more cautious. Kyle was acting a lot more like the two of them then they had through possible.

"We met at your wedding," Christopher began, cut off immediately by Kyle's sharp gasp.


"We met at your wedding," Christopher repeated, his voice hard. He straightened, and looked his brother straight in the eyes, leaving no room for doubt in his words. He would not throw Geviana to the wolves the way Kyle would

"That fucking long?" Kyle asked in disbelief, more and more suddenly becoming clear.

"The reason you left my wedding early. It was...for her?" incredulity laced through his voice, and Geviana could feel herself stiffen. If it was at all possible, Geviana could swear she hated Kyle more than the day he left her.

"And the day after, when we were playing basketball. Those marks on your back, they were from her?" His voice was rising, and his face was becoming steadily red as heat suffused throughout his body. Kyle felt ready to explode.

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