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When you said tulips

I knew that you’re mine

When I caught you there

Crying in the night

Wearing my jacket

Wearing that smile

I knew that I’d found you

This could be an opportunity.

Bloc Party – Tulips



Everything was totally hazy, and yet she felt so warm and soft. Moaning, Geviana buried herself deeper into the pillow, when she felt her pillow begin to stir beneath her.

“Hmm?” She craned her neck upward, only to find all of her senses suddenly assaulted by this new and foreign environment.

This so wasn’t her Park Avenue apartment with its red brick walls and hardwood flooring. This black leather couch definitely wasn’t her bed with her big fluffy, quilted comforter, and Christopher Ridgel’s lap definitely wasn’t her usual pillow.

Groggily, she lifted her head off his lap. He had to sleep in a sitting position on the couch since she was lying in his lap, and he did not look comfortable. She couldn’t help but crack a smile at how adorable he looked. His dark hair had fallen messily over his eyes, and being the annoying man he was, he had ridiculously long eyelashes that Geviana would kill for. He was completely knocked out, but one vital part of his anatomy was definitely not asleep, and it had previously been poking Geviana in the head since she had been rolling and moving around so much.

Sometime during the night, he had draped a thick comforter over her to keep her warm, and for some reason, it had been the best night of sleep that she ever had in years.

Geviana bit her lower lip as she felt her eyes soften at the thought of Christopher. Last night, she had been too drunk and upset to really care or appreciate all he was doing for her, but this morning, in the broad light of day, there was no denying that he cared for her. He had to. There had to be some measure of caring for him to do what he did for her. The thought of it melted her heart and sent a rush of affection through her.

She simply couldn’t help herself. He looked too adorable for her not to do it. Leaning forward, she lightly pressed a soft kiss to his warm, stubbly cheek.

He stirred a little at her touch, and his eyes opened a crack, slightly disoriented, before slowly coming into focus. The first thing that came to his mind was that he needed to get some fucking curtains or something for those stupid windows, but the first thing that came into his line of vision was Geviana.

Her hair was completely messy and on the verge of becoming an afro that would make her die of mortification, but she never looked more beautiful. She was smiling at him. A true smile that reached her eyes and made them shine with intensity.

“This isn’t such a bad way to wake up,” Christopher murmured. His neck was aching, but he never felt better.

“Morning, sunshine,” Geviana said softly, and tentatively, she reached forward to brush Christopher’s hair away to reveal those eyes of his that melted her with a glance.

He blinked several times, as more light entered. “I think I need some curtains,” he muttered, cracking his neck. Amusedly, he watched Geviana cringe at the sound.

“I think you need to take a cold shower,” Geviana said, staring pointedly at his crotch.

Shit. She was right.

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