Chapter 2

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The alarm tone is bleeding my ears, I groaned and searched for my phone. I can't seem to find it, I brought my hand to the nightstand table, and it's still not there. "God, Elena stop this!" Laura said while groaning. "I can't find it," I said while raising and taking off the bed cover. 

While my eyes still closed I searched blindly for it, it's still ringing. God, where is it. I opened my eyes and lazily grabbed it from the ground. I checked the time to find it at 7:30, holly shit my lecture starts at 8. 

"Oh my god, oh my god!!!" I freaked out while rapidly brushing my teeth. "LAURA, wake uppp!!!" oh no I'm getting late, it's the first lecture of the semester, I don't want to make a bad first impression. 

I spitted the toothpaste and gargled it with water. "Laura, please wake up!" I said while shaking her shoulders. "Elena, just chill out, it's not the end of the world!" she said lazily. I truly don't want to argue with her now, I barely have time. I opened my closet and took off a blank white t-shirt and black jeans. 

 I changed my clothes as fast as I could and prayed to get on time. I loosely tied my black hair in a ponytail and grabbed my notebook, phone, and pen. "Okay, I'm leaving, you do what you want Laura," I furiously said that while shoving the door hard. 

Great now I have to run, I only have ten minutes. Since I knew Laura one year ago, am always running late. I used to be on time before that, but she always pulls us into trouble. But what shall I do she is my friend, I love her and all but she seriously has some issues with time management.

My legs are sore from yesterday running, I can't believe that I'm doing this again. I breathed heavily before running towards the campus. Living at the campus is beneficial in these situations since if you were late it wouldn't take you too much to reach. 

I am not a sporty person, now I heartily regret my decision to not work out. I tried to catch my breath and barely looked at my watch to see that there are only five minutes left. I promise if I get late, I will surely scold Laura about her immature action of last night. 

"Finally," I sighed as I saw the class block. I was panting trying to catch my breath when I saw James panting too. "Wow, Elena Parker is late for class, what a day!" James sarcastically said that with a smile on his face. " I never imagined that I will see this day, Miss perfect! "

"shut up James, I'm no Miss perfect," I said while heading to the class. "whatever you say, princess," James playfully rested his arm on my shoulder. "don't call me that, you know I don't like it," I said while raising one eyebrows at him. 

"Yeah, whatever" he simply said. I looked at my watch to see it at 8 sharp. "God! James, we are late," I said while quickening my pace. "I mean why are you so worried? It's the first day, they will understand," he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Oh let me guess, were you at The Milwards last night?" I asked. James was amused and looked at me, "How the hell did you know?". I smiled lightly, "because I can tell that you are still having a hangover." 

I searched for the class and finally found it, but the door is closed. That's not a good sign. It means one thing and that's the teacher is already there. "I guess we are done," I looked at James to find him sheepishly smiling at me.

Yep, that's not new that these two keep me in trouble all the time, James since we were kids and now Laura. I gathered my courage and knocked on the door before opening it. James was behind me when I entered the class and everyone looked at us as if we grew horns. 

I breathed before looking at the teacher desk, to find a tall handsome man with black hair and a pair of glasses, standing near the desk. Oh, thank god! I thought we were done, apparently, the teacher is not here yet. I let a breath of relief and head my way to find a seat. 

"Excuse me, miss" a manly voice spoke. I turned my back to see the man at the desk looking at me. "Me," I said while pointing my finger at myself. "Yeah, you" he nodded. I froze in my place for a few seconds.

"I don't think I gave you permission to get in," he sternly looked at me. "Pardon! I don't understand," I questionably gazed at him. James is now tapping on my back, I looked at him annoyed "What?" I asked. 

"That's the teacher," he whispered with his eyes widened. Blood ran cold in my vines and my heart beat rapidly. I have zero luck in this world, why do I always end up in awkward situations. God, why do you do this to me?  

"I apologize, sir," I said nervously rubbing my hands. The man that apparently will teach us crossed his arms against his chest and said, "You may have a seat," he went to the board and wrote 'Adam Rutherford'. 

I took a seat at the front and James too sat next to me. The class was full and the only remaining seats are the front one. I guess others disliked sitting at the front because same here. I find it really intimidating to be at a close distance with the teacher. It just makes me nervous, to be watched all the time. 

"So, good morning everyone, my name is Adam Rutherford, you can call me Mr. Rutherford and I will be teaching you this year, 19th-century literature," he paused for a second and then looked at me," One important thing that you should all be aware of, is that I hate when students shows up late unless you have a good reason."

My skin prickled from his stern look, his blue eyes became darker. I looked away, avoiding his stare, and James made a frustrated sigh. I opened my notebook in attempt to busy myself.

"Okay so I didn't plan anything for today, so I'm just gonna call the attendance," Mr. Rutherford said while grabbing the names list. He called a few and then my turn came. 

"Elena Parker," he raised his head. "Here," I said while raising my hand. He looked at me for a few second and then carried on calling the names. 

"Okay, so this is all for today, remember to prepare for the next lecture," he said and took of his glasses. "And miss Parker, don't be late again," his blue eyes held some intensity. I nodded and muttered "sure" before getting my notebook.

I and James left the class, and I feel like dying. I always end up in these situations, like whyyy!!! 

"Want to go eat something?" James asked as we passed few students. " I don't think I can eat anything, I can't believe that I mistaken the professor to be a student" I said while blowing some air in frustration. 

"Like seriously Elena, that man is 34 years old, he surely looks like a professor!" he said as if it is a fact or something. "Yeah, you are right, its just probably because I didn't sleep well last night, I can't seem to concentrate." 

"You know what, I don't like that man, " James stated while entering the cafeteria. "Me neither, but we are stucked with him for a year," I raised my hand in surrender, this year surely wouldn't be great. This professor doesn't seem like a nice person, I mean people with good looks are not necesiraly the nicest. 

And sure I made a bad first impression.  

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