Chapter 9

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Adam's Rutherford POV: 

Papers were laying all over the coffee table in front of me. I sighed in exhaustion and wiped my face. My shoulder is sore from marking papers. Stretching my arms I stood and went to the kitchen. 

The water is boiling, reaching to get the peppermint tea from the cupboard, I felt exhausted. I scooped some tea and added it to the water. The peppermint smell made me relax and brought some memories. 

I shook my head and grabbed a mug. Pouring the tea, the phone ring broke my train of thought. I slenderly grabbed it while taking a sip.

"Hello! Mr. Rutherford," a man voice came through. 

 "Yes!" I answered confusably. The number is unknown, so was the voice. I waited patiently to hear what the man wants. 

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but ...." the man on the phone trailed worriedly. I set my mug and sat on the couch, waiting for him to carry on. 

"I'm Jeffery, a security guard. My colleagues are not available at the moment, and there is a gathering happening, on the east section. A huge number of students are partying at the moment." 

I listened to him, "and?..." I asked patiently. What do I have to do with some drunk students? 

"I'm so embarrassed to ask you, but can you accompany me to the place? since the principal gave your name. I called him and he told me to contact you." 

I sighed in frustration. The last time I remember, my job was teaching not chasing drunk students. This is insane! I slightly pulled a few strands of hair. 

"Fine Mr. Jeffery, where to exactly?" I asked, not believing myself. But then I'm here for one year, and then I will leave. Why not? catch some horny drunk students. Great! this place can't stop surprising me. 

These students are unbelievable, they are bold enough to party at the campus. I wish I was this bold when I was their age. Abandoning my tea on the coffee table, I grabbed my keys and phone. Heading towards the door, I closed the lights and locked my apartment.

Getting in my car I went to where Jeffery said is the place. Five minutes and I arrived. Lights flickered and loud music broke the silence of the night. A huge group of students with plastic cups is dancing to the music. 

The yard is full of people. I parked my car in a distance of the place. Now what? I sighed and reached for my phone in an attempt to call Jeffery. "Hey, Jeffery! I'm here." 

"Okay so I want you first to take a video, you know as a footage," he said. I was confused for a second and then asked, "why do you need footage?" 

He was silent for a second, "Well, as a proof."

"A proof for what exactly?" I asked. 

"For them breaking the university law, I have been waiting to catch those kids for so long," he stated. Breaking the law? I wondered what their penalty will be.

"See Mr. Jeffery am not doing something I don't know its consequences. So please be clear about everything," I said. 

"Fine, they will be expelled for that." his tone held some sarcasm. I sat still and gazed through the window. They are irresponsible to do this and break the law, but I can't do it. I'm a strict teacher and can be a real pain in the ass for my students, but I wish no harm for them. 

Many of them are here to reach something, a dream or a job. 

"Hello," the voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Jeffery is still on the phone. 

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