Chapter 8

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Elena Parker's POV:

Looking up, I tried to prevent tears from falling. A sob escaped through my lips and a wave of nausea washed over me. Mr. Rutherford's words that I'm no longer Miss Parker made me realize how serious it is.

My mind was busy with thoughts of how I'm going to handle a year with a stranger. Moving with him made my skin prickle, what if he is really a freak?

My eyes widened at the thought and I quickly shook my head and got off the bed. The door thud cut my thoughts, to see Laura. "Hey," she greeted and threw herself on the bed.

"How was your day?" I asked while taking a piece of chocolate cupcake out of the container. "Want some?" I questionably looked at her. She groaned and got up off the bed. I extended a piece to her.

I myself have a weak spot for chocolate, my love for it is unexplainable. We ate in silence and Laura didn't say anything about her day, it must be a hard one. Talking about hard days, mine was indeed hard.

I finished my cupcake and mentally prepared myself to tell Laura about everything. I nervously looked at her but she seemed too lost in her cupcake. Great, nothing is harder than getting Laura's attention when she is eating.

"How is your dad? by the way," Laura asked out of nowhere. I sighed, "He isn't fine. The bookstore isn't doing well, and he has a huge debt."

"Oh," she surprisingly said while reaching for my hand. "He has to pay it back or else, he will be in jail."

Laura sadly looked at me, and assuredly patted on my back. "I didn't know what to do, he is my only family, but there is something to save him."

"Great then, what is it?" she asked curiously. I sighed in frustration and wiped my face. "A deal someone offered."

"Ok...," Laura trailed waiting for me to carry on. "You know Mr. Rutherford? the new English teacher," of course she knows him, she is heads over heels over him.

"Yes," she nodded confusably. "Well, he approached my dad and offered to close his debt in exchange for something."

"And?..." Laura urged me to carry on. "He wants me as his wife," and that's it I dropped the bomb.

Laura's mouth is wide open in shock that a fly may get in it, while she blankly stared at me. I waited for her outburst but nothing came out.

"Are you not going to say anything?" I asked while tilting my head. She closed her mouth, "What do you expect me to say? this is insane."

I nodded my head in agreeing, "I know!" I stated and nervously rubbed my hands. Well, I guess her reaction will be unpleasant when she knows that I'm already married to Mr. Rutherford. I gulped when the thought of her reaction came.

"Okay," she let a breath, "and what did you say?" she asked with anticipation.

"I agreed, and this morning I signed the papers. I'm officially married, and I will move with him by next week," I burst it out and decided to not drag this more. Laura's eyes widened and yelled, "And you decided to tell me now!"

"Yes, I thought about it. I actually have no other solution. It's a huge amount of money and the interests are greater," I sighed. "I had to do it, Laura, he is my father you don't expect me to leave him helpless."

She nodded her head in understanding, and then a small smile appeared on her lips. "Oh my god!" she cheerily said, "This sounds like movies."

I slightly smiled at her, Laura, and her fantasies. My heart though wrenched because I didn't want things to be like this, getting married is a special event in everyone's life. Even though I never had a boyfriend, I want to meet a special person that I will end up marrying.

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