Chapter 23

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Elena Parker POV:

A phone is ringing. 

I stopped kissing Adam and slowly pulled off. A look of confusion masked his features, "What?" he cluelessly asked. Wandering my gaze to the coffee table, it was my phone that rang. He followed my gaze and frowned. 

I stood still in his arms debating whether to answer that call or not. The ring stopped for a second and then carried on again. Who is calling? it's probably important or they wouldn't call twice. 

"I think I should answer that," I said looking at Adam apologetically. He sighed and slides off his hands that rested on my back, "Yeah, maybe it's urgent." 

I hummed lowly and marched to the table. Clasping my phone, Laura's name flashed on the screen. My eyebrows furrowed in concern, I hope she is fine. Laura rarely calls, unless it's a serious matter. 

"Hello," I said sticking the phone to my ear. I could sense Adam's gaze on me. "Hey, Elena, listen I need to see you right now," she said sounding anxious. 

"Okay, something is wrong?" I questioned in concern. Why does she need to see me? 

"Well, yes, kind of. You are coming aren't you?" she sighed heavily. 

"Yeah, I'm coming," I hurriedly answered. She seemed concerned, and millions of things came across my mind on why she sounded troubled. But nothing logical made sense, I need to go and see her. 

Ending the call, I turned my back to see Adam looking at me questionably. "What's going on?" he knotted his eyebrows. I took a deep breath, "It's Laura, she wants to see me. It's urgent." 

Adam nodded in understanding and lightly brushed my arms, "Do you want me to drop you?" 

I shifted my gaze to his features, he indeed looks tired. I wouldn't trouble him with taking me, so I reached to his face, gently caressing his cheek. "No it's fine, I will walk. You need to take rest," I commanded giving him a pointed look, for I know he wouldn't. 

He let a small laugh, and lazily said an "Okay." 

It was then that I noticed that I'm still wearing a dress. Rapidly I went in my suitcase and took off a pair of jeans and a grey sweater. Making my way to the bathroom, I got in and locked the door. Sliding off the dress, I finished dressing in less than a minute.

Getting out, I took my phone and slide it into the back pocket of my jeans. My mind kept wandering to what troubled Laura that much, she sounded shaky. 

"Take care," Adam said. I waved at him and opened the apartment door. Standing in front of the elevator, I nervously rubbed my hands. I hope she is fine. Getting inside, I pressed the G floor. Marching out, I quickly exited the building. 

Quickening my pace, I nearly ran to the dorms. I kept checking my phone, just in case she sends a text. The sun was sitting down on the horizon. A soft breeze brushed my hair, as I passed crossing the street. The neighborhood was awfully calm, like the calm before the storm. 

I shook off my head. "Stop assuming the worst," I whispered to myself. Everything is going to be fine, even though deep down me settled an uneasy feeling. 

The campus walls blurred from here, good I'm close. By the time I reached the dorms gate, the sky dimmed. Creaking the gate's door, I saw Mr. Carl sitting on his usual plastic chair. 

"Hey there, Mr. Carl," I waved at him in salute. A warm smile crept on his old face as he regarded back, "Hello." 

Passing him, I walked to the building. Taking the stairs, I stopped on 'A' ward. Knocking the door to our room, I patiently stood waiting for Laura. Seconds passed by until I heard a key sound shuffling behind the door along with a creak that followed. 

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