Chapter Four

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I honestly wasn't joking when I said I was on a job: and by "job," I mean mission. I was in the middle of an intelligence briefing with Fury and Agent Hill when Karen silently alerted me to a couple notifications through my earpiece. I asked Karen under my breath if it was about anything important, and her response nearly floored me:

"Not unless you count Mr. Barton adding you to an Avengers Group Chat as important."
Still managing to pay attention, I texted under the table that I was working and couldn't talk right then, but then the messages kept coming. The continuous vibration against my thigh became more insistent as time went on until I had enough, and finally looked down at my phone.

I don't mean to be rude guys, but can you take this somewhere else?
I was serious about being on a job right now and the vibrations from my pocket are starting to get annoying.

Tin Man:
This isn't over Kid!
We will find out who you are!

Sure you will old man😉

*Kid has changed Tin Man's name to Old Man*

Old Man:
Okay, that's it!
Avenger's meeting, NOW!!!

This is getting kind of fun now

At this point I could barely contain my grin. Getting on Tony Stark's nerves was definitely something I could get used to, especially if it continued being this amusing.

"Agent Parker, I can't imagine why receiving information on the hydra base we are about to raid would suddenly become boring to you."

My head snapped up to see Uncle Fury glaring down at me from across the conference room table. Maria Hill was sending a disapproving look that made a red tint rise up to my cheeks from embarrassment.

I smiled sheepishly, silently cursing the Avengers in my head for texting me while I was working.

"Sorry Uncle Fury, I promise you have my full attention." Fury nodded, having his narrowed eye linger on me before turning back to the screen projected at the front of the room.

Thankfully, the text messages stopped and I was able to put all my attention into the raid I was going to be leading with team Red into the bunker.

"Satellite images don't give us much, but thanks to ground penetrating radar(GPR) we were able to get the basic outline of how big the underground bunker is." The image on the screen switched to show a size estimation.

"That looks more like an underground doomsday facility rather than just a bunker," my voice piped in as the animation showed an underground building that looked to go pretty deep underground.

"That's exactly why we're adding another member to your team." Maria decided that now was the time to drop that bomb on me.

"Ugh, not that I disagree that we need an extra set of hands, but I think we all know that it takes a certain kind of person to keep up with my team. Not to mention, get along with them."

"Oh trust me, we know," Fury's low voice drawled knowingly. "We kept that in mind and I think we chose the right person to temporarily join the team for this mission."

"Alright, who is it?"

"Black Widow."

"...Oh boy."

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