Chapter Eleven

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"What do you mean you can't tell me where he lives? You went to his house, didn't you?! Speaking of, what did you even do over there?" Tony exclaimed, looking devastated that Natasha wasn't telling him anything. He needed information!

"Don't you have other things to do, Stark?" Natasha was a little annoyed with Stark interrupting her training in the gym, but her amusement at Tony not getting what he wanted for once overruled it.

"No, which is why I've decided to come poke and prod at you even though you are currently holding a knife." Natasha happened to be practicing her knife throwing at the moment.

"Well, you've never been the best at self-preservation."

"Hey, stop changing the subject! At least tell me the name of the kid that has Pep wrapped around his finger." Tony demanded.

Hmm, now that was an idea.

"Oh, don't worry Tony, I'm sure you'll see him again soon and you can ask him then." Natasha let that statement hang in the air ominously as she walked away from Stark, thinking about her new plan.

If she wasn't holding herself back she would have burst out into evil laughter at what she had planned. Oh, Pepper was going to love this.

After that, Natasha hung out with Peter at his place all the time. Each time she came back with a new story of what she did with her new honorary nephew. She bragged about him constantly to the Avengers while giving out little tidbits of the kid. She was essentially driving Tony insane with curiosity.

Then, it wasn't just Natasha bragging about meeting up with Peter.

Pepper was too.

Apparently, they had been keeping in touch, texting each other and calling on speakerphone when both of them were too busy to actually type their conversations. Pepper absolutely adored Peter, the kid was so full of enthusiastic energy, curiosity, and chaos that it reminded her of a younger, kinder, Tony. Peter was also full of awful puns that made her burst out laughing with how bad they were and the Avengers were constantly asking what was making her laugh so hard.

Pepper also got permission to come over to his house whenever she wanted. After seeing Peter's lab she finally asked Peter whether he would submit to a DNA test: she was almost completely convinced that this kid was Tony's.

Peter chuckled and explained Fury had already tested him... multiple times.

Pepper was also horrified to see Peter's freezer full of store bought meals. Apparently the kid couldn't cook to save his life and Pepper was determined to fix this. She had become very attached to Peter and there was no way she was going to let him eat like an overrun college student.

She teamed up with Natasha and they both started teaching him how to cook, which set off a whole new round of stories that Natasha would tell the Avengers.

To say the other Avengers were jealous would be an understatement, especially Tony. Here was this amazing kid that they were constantly hearing about, and they couldn't even meet him!

Some of the Avengers even tried to follow Nat or Pep when they went over to Peter's house, but their plans were always foiled. They weren't sure how, but they thought Natasha might somehow be spying on them and that was why they could never seem to track the two women's routes. For some reason, the Avengers always seemed to forget that Clint was also a spy(and also happened to be their inside man).

Needless to say, when Peter happened to turn up at Avengers Tower one day, Tony practically exploded.

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