Chapter Fourteen

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Natasha and Pepper sat at the kitchen island filling out paperwork and talking to Fury over the phone. Well, talking was kind of an understatement. They were actually arguing quite loudly with each other over custody of Peter.

"You've had years to adopt him, Nick. Also, why is Peter listed as a missing person? How long has it been since he's been in school?" Pepper yelled at him.

"Listen, you wouldn't be complaining if you saw the hilarious compilations I've got of him running away from the Child Services people. Besides, he tested out of school ages ago. He took an online engineering course for MIT and was the top of his class, as far as I'm concerned, he's graduated and done with school, he's got other things to focus on! He asked for help, so I gave him help, end of story!"

There was a pause in the response before Natasha spoke.

"And Peter really is Mary and Richard's son? The ones that used to work for us?"

"You already know the answer to that Agent Romanoff, why are you asking me again?" There was another pause before his phone beeped. Fury took the phone away from his ear and saw Natasha had sent him a picture. He opened it and stopped breathing for a moment, just taking in the image.

Both Tony and Peter had walked out of the lab after five days of secluding themselves and the resemblance was startling.

"Are you sure they're not related?" Natasha asked again.

"I've already run the blood tests three times... I'll run it again." Fury hung up, still staring at the image.

Tony and Peter looked identical in their pizza and grease stained t-shirts, huge eye-bags, each holding a large coffee mug and each sporting an exhausted manic look in their eyes that was practically a Stark trademark.

Fury rubbed his temple, feeling another headache coming on.

"If I didn't know any better I would think he had found a way to clone himself."

All movement Fury had been making suddenly stopped as he suddenly looked off into the distance, unseeingly with a horrified look on his face.

"Please God, never let that happen. For my own sanity, if nothing else."

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