Side-Story #4

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*Harley meets Peter (cue cute gay panic)*

Harley wasn't sure who this Peter dude was that just cropped up outta nowhere, but he did know that Tony would not shut up about him. Literally, there isn't a single phone call that he and the mechanic have had where it hasn't been derailed by Tony interjecting with a new story about his kid.

Okay, so he was man enough to admit he was a little jealous. Harley had never had a father figure and, to be honest, he hadn't expected Tony to stay in contact even when he said he would, but Tony did stay in contact. Tony cared about him.

So, yeah, he sees Tony as a father figure and when he starts talking about this Peter Romanoff-Stark, Harley gets a little jealous, but he's also incredibly curious; some of the stories Tony tells about the guy sound a little insane.

The curiosity gets to him, so he finally takes up Tony's offer to bring him up to New York for the summer.

The entire ride from the airport consists of Tony talking about how Harley is going to love Peter. Harley sincerely doubts that. Tony simultaneously makes Peter sound like a crazy genius, a cute puppy, and a team leader all at once and it completely baffles Harley. How could anyone be all those things at once? That's not possible.

"So, where is the famous Peter I've heard so much about?"

"Friday, where's the kid?"

"Peter is currently in the lab."

"Awesome, come on Kneener, you're gonna love him." Tony wrapped his arm around the tall teenager, pulling his head down and into a headlock and messing with his hair until it's unrecognizable.

"Hey, watch it Old Man," Harley laughed, shoving away from Tony playfully. He tried to fix the mop on his head while they walked, but he knew it was useless.

The doors to the lab opened automatically and the first sight Harley is treated to is of someone bent over a table using the soldering iron. But not just any someone, a very muscular someone.

A muscular someone that is wearing a skin-tight black tank top and dark jeans with beads of sweat rolling down the back of this person's neck. A muscular someone with very nice looking biceps.

Despite his back being turned to us, he seems to know there's someone there, so he turns off the soldering iron and sets it aside. The person turns and it takes everything in Harley to keep him from Staring for too long.

Tony had told him that he had adopted a teenager, what he did not tell Harley was that said teenager was extremely hot.

Holy Hell.

Big brown vulnerable eyes gazed at him with curiosity and Harley had made the mistake of allowing his eyes to wander because Harley could definitely see definition beneath that tank top. Wow, his heart is beating a little faster now.

"Peter, I want you to meet Harley. You remember me telling you about him, right?"

By now Peter had definitely notice Harley's staring and-

How in the world does that flush make him look even cuter?!

"H-hi, yeah, I'm Peter. It's nice to meet you." Peter's hand came up to scratch the nape of his neck, accidentally flexing a little.

How am I supposed to speak words when he gets hotter by the second?

"Nice to meet you darlin'."


The End!

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