Chapter 3

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His long fingers fondle the soft sky blue cloth he had inconspicuously tucked into his back pocket without your knowledge, mind tirelessly replaying the scene at the library. Sakusa could still feel where you had patted him, he remembers the sensation fully. He was never a huge fan of other people's touch, yet he found himself craving for yours.

Sakusa pulled open the drawer beneath his desk, carefully folding the handkerchief and placing it among all the other items in there. Some of those included: pictures of you taken with or without consent, a paper crane you had folded for him, a sticky note with words of encouragement you had written him for when he deliberately scored low on a test, a few of your favorite lip glosses, a short used up pencil you had planned on throwing away before he took it and a few more things which really shouldn't have been in there.

Nobody had suspected Sakusa would turn out to be this kind of person, even he himself was surprised. However, the way you smiled at him in class, the way your laughter sounded, the way you took his fear of filth into consideration by constantly cleaning yourself, and the way you even offered him hand sanitizer and wet wipes had him somehow have his little appreciation for you spiral into an addiction.

Y/N, one day, we're going to be together forever. I'll protect you with my life, I will kill for you, I will die for you, I will do anything for you, my life is meaningless without you. Y/N, we were born for each other. 

"Kiyoomi-Kun! Motoya's family will be coming over for dinner soon so make sure your downstairs in five minutes!" Sakusa's mother shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mum!" He obediently replied.

He takes one last glance at a picture taken from your bedroom window before putting on a jacket and heading towards the door.


"My son's grades have been dropping, I don't even know what's going on in that brain of his anymore!" Sakusa's mother bleats.

"Well at least it's still higher than what my son will ever score!" Komori's mother rebutted while laughing.

Both mothers criticize their son's while the two cousins sit there listening to their never-ending complaints. Sakusa, as always sits there blank-faced, completely unfazed with what his mum had to say. Komori, on the other hand, had his face flushed with embarrassment while his mother exposed his idle habits. The two women's debate on whose son was lazier finally came to a final agreement that both should be studying more and working harder.

Komori's mother sips on her glass of water while eyeing Sakusa. 

"Say, Kiyoomi-Kun, you're such a handsome young man, do you have a girlfriend?" Komori's mother asks with curiosity.

"Mum! That's none of your busine-" Komori starts but another voice cuts him off.

"That's right! Kiyoomi-Kun, you should have a girlfriend by now! Sure you've gotten stupider, but at least your looks make up for it. Is there a girl you're interested in at the moment?" Sakusa's mother turned to him, beaming excitedly.

"No." He answered solemnly, before going back to eating his food.

"Pshh, I knew he'd say that. What a waste." 

"He's so tall too!" Komori's mother added.

Sakusa says nothing. 

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