Chapter 22

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"Why is she always hanging out with him?"

You pause. That voice coming from the classroom, it was Himari's.

"I know right? But what does he even see in her, I don't get it."

Hold up, Ichika?

Just to confirm your suspicions, you back up against the wall and listen intently.

"Same though, she's kinda plain not gonna lie."

Yep, definitely Himari and Ichika.

Inquisitiveness gets the best of you as you remain there.

"She is, isn't she? Average looks, grades and personality. What is it that she has that we don't?" Ichika says while leaning against the desk.

HA... honestly I don't know either

"I think the only reason she's so close to him now is because of Komori, he introduced them to each other remember?" Himari turns to the girl who was in a pensive state.

"You're right actually, so that basically we have to get close to Komori first, then Sakusa right?"

What the hell-

"Yeah... but how did Y/N befriend Komori? Did she go up and talk to him or something?" Ichika asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No, he introduced himself first because she was new. That's what she told me at least."

"Ugh, she's kinda annoying."

"I know, but she's the only person Sakusa tolerates for some reason, apart from Komori of course. I think he might have a crush on her..." Himari says slowly.

"Hey, he might not. We might've just misinterpreted things."

"Hope so."

Himari smirks. "Imagine her face when one of us gets with him."

Wow, Himari. Wow. What great friends I have.

Ichika sniggers, "right? It'll feel so satisfying actually."

Geez, they seriously need to chill out. They really think the Sakusa Kiyoomi would even be slightly interested in me? That's flattering.

"Gosh she's such a bitch the more I think about it." Himari groans.

"I hope she gets rejected when she confesses to Sakusa, that'd be funny to watch."

Sheesh, jealousy at its finest.

"Are you going to confront them?"

The deep yet familiar voice asks. You face him, he switches his glance between you and the girls in the room. It genuinely hurt being turned against like that by a friend you thought you could trust, but he didn't have to know that.

"Nah, can't be bothered. If they want to waste their time being mad just let them be."

Sakusa furrows his eyebrows.

"You're going to let them talk bad about you?"

"I've noticed a few red flags with Himari already, I... kinda saw it coming."

"So you're not angry with them? I can tell them to shut the fuck up for you if you like," he suggest, stepping towards the classroom door, but you yank him back by the back of his shirt.

"Not everyone's going to like me Omi, that's something I can't change so I'd rather just accept it and move on." You yawn and head towards the cafeteria. "Oh and I also heard that they're serving umeboshi today, your favourite. Let's hurry and get some before they sell out, I'll race you there!" with that, you sprinted off.


Little specks of white flowed and danced through the chilly wind, together, they covered the whole of the school grounds.

"OMI SNOW!" you tug on his sleeve and point. The school was empty now as you had promised to keep Sakusa company while he practiced volleyball today.

The boy didn't find it to be that interesting.

"It's just frozen pieces of water." he states while a snowflake settled on his nose.

You roll your eyes playfully while running into the courtyard, nearly slipping. Sakusa walks straight by you and heads for the gates until he feels something hard hit the back of his head.

He spins around to see you laughing hysterically, he digs out the snow that had gotten beneath his clothes. Sakusa grins and gathers some snow into a ball, you immediately realise what is happening and bolt for it. Seeing how hard Sakusa could spike a volleyball today, there was no way you were going to let him hit you.

Crap, I'm gonna have a big ass bruise on my body for the next decade.

Sakusa dropped his bag on the ground first and started chasing after you with snow moulded into a perfect sphere in his right hand. Not to anyone's surprise, he was a fast runner. Sakusa had caught up to you in a matter of seconds, but there was a gargantuan tree between the two of you he had to get through first. He trailed you around in circles until both of you stopped to think.

Focus Y/N, if you're smart enough, you can outrun him.

Sakusa bent down to tie his shoes and that's when you ran, just as you thought you had escaped, you felt a sudden forceful tug from behind. Your body slams into his as he traps you in his muscular arms, his deep breaths muffled by the mask. He faked that didn't he... damn it

"Got you," he whispered, voice low and husky.

Squirming and wriggling to no avail, you feel something icy drop on the top of your head as it slid down the side of your face. You shiver, hearing a deep chuckle come from right beside your ear as Sakusa rested his head on your shoulder. FUCK I love her I lover her I lover her so much...

"Omi let go, you're squeezing the life out of me."


His hands travel down beneath your blazer and pull you in closer, body enveloped around yours.

"Cold." he says.

"Then let's go to the convenience store and buy some hand warmers okay?"

You feel how much his grip has loosened and took the opportunity. Twisting his arm, you set yourself free and brush off the snow.

"Omi, that was cheating by the way, I had no space to run." you say, grinning.

"Oh." he replies.

You look each other in the eye erupt into giggles. Stretching out your arms, you fall into him as he catches you.

"...Omi Omi, we're going to be best friends forever right?"


We're going to be much more than just best friends. 

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