Chapter 23

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You shivered slightly with the harsh wind biting down on your skin and the stench of chlorine stuffing your nose. Thrilled to have found out you came first out of all the girls your age for breaststroke, you were excited to know that you'd be skipping a day of classes for swimming to represent your school.

Sakusa sat to your left, staring off into the distance thinking about whatever. An extremely soaked and worn out brunette came crashing down into the space beside you, panting heavily.

"You good my guy?" Pulling a towel from his sports bag, you drape it around his shoulders.

"No, I'm dying," he gasped, "but it was worth it." He yanked out two first place ribbons and two second place ones.

Your eyes widened, "oh my goodness Motoya!"

The ravenette remained stoic as ever, "what stopped you from coming first for the other two races?"

"Shut it Kiyo-Kiyo, you haven't even done your events yet so you can't talk," Komori spat.

"Tch, you're just a fill-in for me for half the races you compete in today," the ravenette retorted.

You sigh, here they go again.

"Okay okay, let's go watch the-"

You were abruptly cut off by the wave of a loud cheer, causing the three of you to turn your heads in the same direction. A tall bi-coloured haired boy begins to make his way to the diving blocks while smiling at the crowd, absorbing every piece of attention he receives.

"Who's that?" you ask.

"Bokuto Kotarou. He's a volleyball player and athletic as hell, so I'm not too surprised to see him here." Komori yawned as he sat up, "his team nearly beat ours last year."

"Holy cow..." you whisper, visibly amazed. "He's got such stage presence as well..." Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I've heard that name quite a few times already...

Obsidian eyes narrowed into slits, shouldn't you be more impressed by the team that actually won?

"Too bad they didn't though, we won by two points," Sakusa stated.

You roll your eyes and punch his shoulder, "okay we get it Kiyoomi, you're better than everyone else."

He suppressed a smile, "glad you know."

"Getting cocky again cuz?" Komori sneered, sitting up.

"No, just acknowledging my achievements Toya."

"Oh yeah? It seems to me like you're bragging because you're scared Y/N will start drooling over Bokuto."

Sakusa shot his cousin a glare, you let out a snort of laughter. He looks at you to see your reaction, but you only shrug.

"Who knows, he is pretty attractive, not gonna lie."

He was about to make a witty comeback when someone announced through the speakers that the events he's supposed to participate in were up next. Standing up, he unbuttoned his shirt and neatly folded it, placing it in his bag. Every muscle in his body flexed, he was incredibly well-built for a boy his age. You turned your head away, absolutely not used to the sight of Sakusa topless.

"Show off," Komori yawned, turning on his sides to sleep.

"Good- good luck dude," you mutter.

He kneeled down in front of you and leaned forward, causing you to lower down towards the ground as your elbows became the only thing supporting you.

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