Chapter 13

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"Motoya-Kun, I've always known that you were dumb, but this... is really just too much." You say while wrapping a band-aid around his finger.

"Hey, I just thought having sharp nails would look so cool though..."

" you tried sharpening your nails, with... a pencil sharpener?"

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I don't know what I was thinking." He remarked, a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, I wouldn't know either." You pressed the band-aid firmly onto his skin, making sure that it would stay in place.

"And you!" You pointed a finger at the ravenette. "Why didn't you stop him from sharpening his finger?"

Sakusa glimpsed at Komori before shrugging with apathy.

"He needs to be taught to not be stupid." He says while adjusting his mask.

You scoff. How are these two even related...

"My cousin's a bitch." Komori leered at Sakusa.

"I'm just looking out for you, Motoya. You would've never known to never sharpen your nails again with a pencil sharpener if it weren't for just then."

"I wouldn't have cut my finger at all if you would've just told me!"

"Are you blaming me for you cutting your own finger?"

"Okay okay, let's not start fighting before class starts or else we're all probably going to be sent to detention." You interpose between the two boys before their argument escalated. "Motoya, Kiyoomi, apologise to each other, family members shouldn't be fighting now should they?"

Komori sighed. He scooted over to his cousin and wrapped his arms around him.

"Sorry dude."

Wait, this is kinda wholesome... you grin uncontrollably while you watch them.

Sakusa cringed from the contact and tried to push him away.


The caramel haired boy looked at him in disbelief.

"Bro I'm just trying to apologise, why you still gotta be so rude?"

"At least have the common sense to sanitise first, your hands could be crawling with bacteria for all I know."

"Oh come on, I'm not that dirty!"

"You are you disgusting, dirty, unhygienic, filthy, grimy little-"


The two boys remain quiet for the rest of class.


"I like you, please let me be your girlfriend!"

The girl bows while handing him a pink envelope with a heart sticker attached to it. Sakusa looks down on her.

I seriously got held back just for this?


She glances up at him.

"W-what why not?"

"I don't like you Ichika, and nothing you ever do or say will ever change my mind so don't even try."

"Sakusa-san I-"

"Whatever you're about to say next will affect nothing, don't waste any more of my time, it's annoying."

He pushes past her but she grabs him by the arm. Sakusa hisses quietly and forcefully pulls away, while looking at the exit of the classroom longingly. Where's Y/N... I want to see her

For you [Yandere Sakusa x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant