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Camilla's POV

I'd pressed refresh nearly a million times in the past hour. What was she waiting for? She had opened the email at some point, but didn't reply. It was hurting me more than her at the fact that she wasn't even replying. It was like she was completely unfazed by all she had done.
She really had gotten worse.


Charlie's POV

We had just arrived at Meghan's work, I needed answers after all.

Guessing wasn't going to get me anywhere and I knew for a fact that if I sat for a minute longer and let my head wonder through all the possibilities of the answer... I'd go insane.

Me and Jake went through the main doors to get her, leaving a trail of my men dotted around the front entrance.

If it was any random business we walked into, they'd think that we were here to rob them, but this was no normal business, this was Mrs Henderson's company.

Not many people knew that she was behind all this, but there was still a handful who claimed themselves to be in her 'inner circle' just because they know she did.

Everyone knew Mr Henderson, and they all knew that he had a wife and a family.

But they never really paid attention to his wife, everyone was more bothered about how good he was in his job, and the amount of enemies he made and all that typical drama people thought they could get out of someone's life.

We got to the main desk and the woman looked up, unbothered about the deafening silence that the lobby had dropped to.

"Yes Miss, who are you here for? Mrs Henderson isn't here?"she asked confused.

"Meghan Monaco." I stated. She nodded her head and messed with the computer for a while until she finally looked back up and motioned for us to follow her.

We had to walk up three sets of stairs (unfortunate for me) and then halfway around the bloody floor that we had got to.

After what seemed to be a marathon of the same floor level....Finally, we made it .

The woman from earlier opened the door and my eyes searched the room for Meghan's, but met a certain pair, that I could never forget.

So although coming to see my sister was the best idea of the day, it took an awful downfall and I was now regretting it.

I had become a horrible person with my sex life, purely because of her. I had scouted clubs and parties trying to find someone who looked like they needed it, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let them off the hook easily.

After they gave me the go ahead in bed, I'd spend hours just trying to make them cum one after the other.

I know what I'm doing to women needs to change, but I loved seeing them cry beneath me whenever they got to they're high.

It made me feel loved, how they kept trying to find me, get in touch so we could do it again, well so I could do it again.

I must have gone through hundreds of girls in a matter of a month when I first moved to New York, but my numbers slowly went up as my work went down.

Whenever I remembered the time I had with Camilla, whenever a girl reminded of her, I was out scouting. And from what she had sent the other day, I know I had hurt her too, but maybe even worse than she had me. I had been quite unfair.

Both Jake and Sophia had told me I needed to stop and calm down for a while, but my need for sex had only tripled after I left England.

Camilla cured that sex drive. But I wasn't with Camilla anymore and I needed to find a way to stop it by myself.

But I just couldn't help thinking, I've been through so many women, but never found one who could stop my need for sex considerably, other than Camilla.

With Camilla, I only wanted her, but by myself, I wanted everyone. And not everyone I could have.

Something in me needed to change, and I knew, that something was right in front of me.

I wanted Camilla.

And only Camilla.

But what we want isn't always what's best.


Are things about to change for the good or the bad?


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