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Camilla Henderson's POV


"This world must think I'm stupid. I'll admit, I might look it slightly, but have people never heard the term 'looks are deceiving'. Honestly Jack, I don't understand, do I look stupid?" I asked my brother seriously, waiting for a response patiently after his laughing subsided.

"Of course not Mila. I must admit though, when you're wearing your work uniform, you look smart, but when you're half asleep and walking into every wall in the house? Yes you look stupid. But don't worry Mila, only I see that side of you." He said cheerily, rubbing it in my face just how clumsy I was when I had just woken up.

"Thank you Jack, don't worry. If the world finds out that you put the milk in your cup before the tea bag, think of me." I said, teasing. He had always managed to make a cup of tea wrong. In my opinion anyway. And it's always twenty times too strong. He'd achieve more by just eating the tea bag.

"Mila, you're so funny. I can only hope that one day I look at humour the same way that you do. Anyway, what's the actual problem?" He spoke sarcastically but got serious at the end.

"I'm being followed." I said, almost shy.

"What?! Why didn't you say anything Camilla? Who?" He questioned, as he moved around on the other end of the phone.

"Just this girl. Oh and that guy from work is getting really boisterous towards me" I said quietly. After a few moments of silence on the other end of the phone, his voice came through a bit calmer.

"Just this girl Mila. Do you have a crush? On a girl?" He asked comfortingly.

"W-what? No! Of course not. I'm not gay!" I said quickly.

He sighed down the phone and spoke up, "Mila, you know if you were it wouldn't hurt anyone. And I'll get someone to sort him out, don't worry about it. But being gay isn't a problem.We could be twins then." He said happily.

"Jack, you know I don't agree with it. You're an exception because you're my brother." I said sternly.

"Okay Camilla. I was only joking. Speak later." He said simply and ended the call. I may have just ruined a perfectly good relationship with him. It's just, he always does this. Every time I even slightly mention a woman, he's down my ear teasing and everything. But I don't understand why. He knows what I think about that sort of thing.


Charlie's POV

I've ran out of time being at the hospital so I'll have to sit in my car during her work hours. I was meant to go and get my hand checked, but I know a bad wound when I see one, and this wasn't one of them.

I had time to waste so here I was, watching five feet apart, crying my eyes out. No I'm not a wimp, it's just sad. I nearly spilt my coffee everywhere from the hiccups I have. I'm a cry baby when it comes to love, I can deal with every other reason to cry and keep up my emotionless facade but when it comes to love, it's completely different. The intensity makes it worse. Your brain tricks you into feeling the same emotions that the character in the film would be feeling. Because you've gotten so attached to it you know. It's like when a character dies, you mourn, because your brain doesn't know the difference between real and not. Emotions are emotions whether the moment is in your life or just part of a film. It's incredible how it works, honestly.

I was startle by one of my co-workers voice crackling through my earpiece informing me that Miss Henderson had signed out. I pushed the laptop away from me, rubbing my eyes and moving into the front of my car and waited for her to come out of the door. And not even five seconds later, there she was, trying to shield herself from the bullets of rain that only seemed to be aimed at her. She rushed to her car and got in, taking the time to dry herself off the best she could with what she had and then started the car.

She pulled out and drove away. I followed her and by the looks of it, she was going home. The direction she was headed was the direction I would have taken if I lived at her house from the hospital. It was a main road, one of the easiest routes to take.

Her house wasn't just her house, it was her family's house. It was a mansion. Thirteen bedrooms, eighteen bathrooms, and thirty-six rooms altogether. It was big, but not as big as my family's. I'm not bragging though, her family had good taste in decor.

Having a big house wouldn't make up for it not being homely. Sometimes having a bigger house can feel more lonely, like you have to fill the space with something so you don't feel as if you are the only one there. Sometimes having money had it's downfalls. I'm glad that I understand what it's like to not have money. From rags to riches. Having money when you're younger sometimes means you will never understand the depth of life. You'll never truly value what the smaller things in life actually mean. You're more likely to take things for granted.

Her father was very successful so obviously they had money. There were at least three outside gates to get into her house, and all three of them consisted on having a dozen guards surrounding them. There was no way I was going to get in there unless I told Mr Henderson to let me in to sleep in my car so I could be on guard for when Miss Henderson left.

We arrived at her mansion and I stayed a bit back so she couldn't see me. Once she was let in all three gates, my car slowly rolled up to where she had just been. And unlike Miss Henderson, I was smothered in guards before I even had a chance to explain why I was there.

"Hands off the wheel and make your way out of the car. Slowly!" One of the guards commanded.

"Hands off the wheel and step out of the car!" he warned again and I gave in. I slowly got out the car and was tackled to the ground by two men. The other man that was closest had his radio turned on, his voice echoing in the crackle of the connection with the recipient.I assumed it would be the head guard that had to come and sort out this lovely misunderstanding but I was surprised to see Mr Henderson himself walking towards us. It took him a while to realise it's me.

"Mr Henderson, what a pleasure to see you sir." I greeted happily, despite the circumstances of being squashed by two of his men.

"Get off, she's a Monaco." He ordered his guards. They scrambled off me and stood straight up, like soldiers.

"Thank you sir " I nodded at the guards too, to show I meant no harm towards them, they were just doing their jobs.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Charlie?" Mr Henderson spoke.

"I accepted the job, sir." I spoke, recognition covering his face.

"Of course dear, these guards will let you straight in at all times, won't you?" He ordered towards his men.

"Sir, yes, sir."They all replied in unison.

"Posh."I joked with him. We have always had banter, he's like one of those distant relatives that you just get on with straight away. Once the whole situation was finished, Mr Henderson left and I made my way through the gates in my car and parked out of the way. I was sat for a few minutes debating on whether I should go in the house or not ( even though it was stupid to even be considering it) when I was disturbed by a knock on my window. I turned to see my best friend from the Henderson family. The brother of Miss Henderson and amazing son of Mr Henderson, Jack.


Oooo another character. Is he going to be trouble or just what Charlie needs?
Comment and enjoy.

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