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Camilla's POV

I had no idea that Charlie's dad was trying to get out, but it made perfect sense now. My dad had been going on about this case that's coming up, and I knew by how stressed he was getting from it that it wasn't a normal one. I actually felt bad for how hard he was working. But now it made sense, it was because it was Charlie's case. It's at these times that I wished I'd gone into law when I was younger so I'd at least have some experience in all of this.

But that wasn't even my biggest concern. She would be less forgiving now this was all happening. I'd hardly stand a chance to do anything right in her eyes. This was bound to mess up our road to success. Well, it wasn't really success as we hadn't seen each-other in ages, but I couldn't label it as anything else.

But if she needed my help, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. I needed her dad and Mike to stay behind bars, there's no way I want them back on the streets knowing how dangerous they were last time and how much they had hurt Charlie.

I know she's strong enough to deal with all this, but she wasn't strong enough to pull through by herself. She has my dad with her. I'm not sure about her mum, I haven't seen her since everything happened. A few days after Charlie left, her mum did too, but I know she didn't go far because she was always caught somewhere round here by the paparazzi for no particular reason. I meant that I hadn't seen her in person, or spoke to her for that matter.

But I understood why she left, if my husband was anything like her's I'd be on another planet by now.


Charlie's POV

This morning I was up early, I could hardly sleep last night trying to think of who could possibly want to help out my dad. It made no sense, but I just couldn't figure out who the fuck would try and make it look like I lied.

And most of all, make it look like Camilla lied.

Who would hate me and Camilla so much they felt the need to try and help my father out of prison. Of course, even if he did come out of prison, he wouldn't get the Mafia back.

I honestly don't know what they would get out of it helping him, and I know for sure that Camilla won't want him out.


Anyway, like I said, it was day one of the trial and today, I was set to meet Mr Henderson in about ten minutes. I was already in his office, but he wasn't here yet.

My fingers tapped against the side of my chair rapidly, trying to calm my nerves.

"Charlie, hello dear." Mr Henderson's voice came from the doorway.

My head spun as I stood, greeted by not only Mr Henderson but his lovely daughter. My eyes went back and fourth from the two, trying so hard not to look at Camilla for too long.

My hand stretched out to greet Mr Henderson, as my respect and realism had only doubled for him since he helped me. He looked at me stupidly and brought me into a hug.

I coughed out in surprise. After I had left, I wasn't too sure about how he would have felt about me, after all, I did leave his daughter.

"I missed you Charlie." He said hugging me tighter.

"I-I missed you too." I said, closing my eyes.

I was safe. Right here, in this moment, it felt like home, it felt so much like my dad's hugs that I once received... when he actually liked me. Back in the good old says.

Someone cleared their throat and my eyes shot open as I sprung out of Mr Henderson's arms.

Camilla was standing there awkwardly, watching us.

"E-erm, yeah. So we should get started." I said, an attempt at clearing up the tension.

"Of course." Mr Henderson said, smiling at me.

He sat down on the other side of the desk as Camilla stayed standing. I was struggling to keep my eyes off her, she had gotten even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. She was irresistible.

The fact that I couldn't touch her, look at her the same way I used to, because I know that I'd end up loving her even more and I don't think I can cope with that right now.

I kept my eyes straight, once in a while feeling her's travel to me.

"Charlie, we don't have any plans for court, all you can do is tell the truth. Your father's going out of his way to look innocent, but there's no way they can look over all the evidence he's got stacked up against him." He spoke, confident.

"I just want him to stay in prison." I stated, coldly.

Camilla moved forward, maybe to comfort me, but Mr Henderson shot her a glare.Obviously he saw things from my perspective. At least someone does. She instantly moved back, but kept her head held high.

"Charlie, that's all we want too." He declared. I nodded and we spoke about every little aspect that we needed to follow just to make sure he goes down for it. And then then what Meghan said earlier came to mind. Who was helping him.

"E-rm , just one question," I said, which he nodded to, " Who's helping my father?" And from there, the room was smothered in silence. Neither of them talking.

"Who. Is. It?" I pushed.

"Charlie l, it doesn't matter who it is okay? All you need to know that no matter how many people he has on his side, we are going to win this." He said, the edge in his tone meaning that was the end of the conversation.

I nodded, and then he stood. It was time for the trial. The first day.


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