Chapter 8

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The entire drive to the station is quiet , the police officer keeps on looking at me through the dashboard mirror and shaking his head at me  .

Am I feeling guilty , nope ! actually I feel like I'm high on cocaine and I have no care in the world .

When I get into the cell , I sit on the bench and immediately sleep takes me over .

This is not the most comfortable I've slept,  but this could be worse . I'm violently shaken , I and I do wake up .

The warden calls me to the visiting . The hand cuff are still on my hands,  but I'm almost used to the coldness of the metal and its tightness around my wrists .

He leads me to a room full of benches , a few people are sitting there talking with their families . I look over to where he's taking me . I see momma dressed in a floral knee length .

And Bethany  , in jeans  and a white tshirt .They're both looking at me in disbelief , well momma with teary eyes .

I sit on the bench opposite to them . The warden leaves . And I'm left just staring blankly at them .

Momma stands up and then engulfs me in a hug . Bethany soon joins in . Then they go back to their seats .

"Honey what happened?" Momma's voice sound tired .

" He-he cheated." I tell them both . Beth looks at me in surprise and momma looks confused .

"Jacob ?"momma asks . And I nod .

"Yes mom , Jason . " I say to her and her face twist to the one emotion I used to fear when I was a kid . Anger .

"Then why are you here then . Did that scumbag send you to jail?" Its now Beth who is asking.

" I beat them up . I mean Jason and the harlot." I say , momma gasps because of the cuss that escaped my words and Beth smirks.

" Honey , I always told you that violence is not the answer ." Momma says . Raising her voice .

"What was I supposed to do , the whore was throwing my insecurities right I'm my face ." I say . Also raising my voice .

"You could have told her to stop , and if not you could have done what other women did when their husbands cheat . You could have left !" She screams in my face .

"Yes you're right,  I could have . But I didn't,  I made my bed and I will lie in it no arguements whatsoever ." I say . I'm done talking  to momma , she'd never understand , she believes in nonviolence and all but it never works .

"I cant sit here  and pretend that I regret what I did yesterday , because I dont . I dont regret a thing I said . I dont regret a thing I did . Because I'm tired of being run over , being overlooked.   So no , it's their fault not mine ." I scream at momma and Beth .

" Would you stop blaming other people . You had a choice Cassandra , you could have walked away , you should have ! So you know what , it is your fault , you did this to yourself . I'm so disappointed in you Cassandra . But who am I to judge , I dont know what it felt like to be in your position.  All I know is that your father and I taught you better ." She says . Bringing up dad was below the belt .

But I won't say anything she's my mother . I nod and look at Bethany .

"Make sure she never comes here again ." I say and their faces fall .

" I dont want my mother to see me like this .  And Beth , please make sure she doesn't work anymore . Mariah will send my profits to you and you'll take care of my momma . I dont want her fainting while I'm not there to help ." I say and then I stand up.

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