Chapter 59

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2 months later

"Ace , cant we go any faster?" I whine .

He is literally driving in three miles per hour.

"Cassandra Bernett,  do you want to die?" He scolds .

"No , but I want to get there early ." I say , where ever it is that we're going , he still hasn't told me.

He looks at me as if he is saying that the arguement is over . Ever since the whole coma thing , he has been over protective.  He literally goes everywhere with me .

He said that I go with him to work , I come back with him . He takes me to the doctor and if I cant go , he calls the doctor to the apartment .

Momma and Beth has started buying stuff for the baby. The house is really getting cramped with things for the nursery .

I want to bring up buying a house after whatever Ace has planned for us today.

He drives further out of Queens and near the coast .

From how both momma and Ace narrated the whole thing for me . Apparently Kayla , Genna and Melanie are all in police custody.

That , Jason actually helped find me , even though he was defending Kayla at first . And that Ace stayed day and night with me at the hospital .

It's really heart breaking to know that , i had been gone for so long . Had it been me in Ace's shoes , I'd have committed suicide already .

Ace , drops his hand on my thigh once we get to the roads that have no cars.

The area is really refreshing. There are houses every few meters,  but other wise an empty forest like space. 

The coast is not very far from here , which explains the breeze around here . And the salty atmosphere.

The trees look fresh and a deep moody green . The houses look fair sized but very luxurious.

Some are three stories high and some are two . The houses look very expensive. 

The further down we drive , the more I see no houses . It's now empty.

"Ace , where are we going?" I ask him .

"A friend of mine asked me to get something from his house , and you know that I cant leave you alone in that house.  Lord knows what they can do to you." He says still facing the front.

"Oh , I understand you." I say .

"Overprotective. " I mumble out loud .

"I heard that." He says , and laughter rumbles out of me and he joins .

We've been in the car for almost an hour. Now we're completely in the middle of nothing.

Suddenly a house appears . It is cream and has black accents .

From outside , you can see a deck on the first floor. The railing is black and is also absolutely stunning.

It has the greenest grass I've seen in my entire existence.  The backyard , from what  my perpetual view shows me, is completely forest which I think it's beautiful.  I'm jealous of Ace's friend .

"What are you thinking ?" He asks , parking the car I front of the house.

"This house is beautiful. " I say honestly.  He smiles , and says nothing to that .

"It really is . You wanna go in?" He asks opening his door.  He goes around the car and opens mine .

I nod and we walk up into the house . The moment he opens the door and it opens up to the most beautiful home I've ever seen.

Fate Has Other PlansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora