Chapter 38

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Jason's POV

After a long day of work , all I want to do is take a shower , eat dinner and just have a chat with Kayla .

Today is no difference , especially considering that it's a Friday,  there was more workload .

I park my car on the driveway and head into the house.  I'm met with a great aroma which has my stomach churning .

I head straight up to the shower and quickly rinse my body . This takes only two minutes and fast enough I'm out of the room dressed in jeans and a tshirt .

I walk down the stairs and I see Kayla in an apron . She seems focused on what she's doing .

"Hey Kay." I say kissing her cheek . She smiles then looks up at me .

"Cassandra was here ." She says . My mouth falls to the floor. She did not just say that .

"Who was here?" I ask , she had to be fucking kidding me .

"Cassandra." She says , raising her eyebrows .

I feel like I'm about to faint.  I always knew that she was going to come out soon but u didnt think it'd be this early . Has it really been five years already ? I'm just in utter shock .

Kayla plates the pasta and meatballs and pushes it infront of me . I smile and dig in . She seems more disturbed that she should be . What did Cassandra do .

"Did she hurt you?" I ask her . She looks up and shakes her head.

"No , she wouldn't. " she says . " She just took all her stuff and just left . She also made a cheese and weenie sandwich,  sat there and ate it all in silence . It was just surprising.

I kept on telling her to leave . All she told me was how she gave me everything that was hers and all she asks for is some silence as she eats . It was bizarre.  Babe , prison really changed her , she's scary and intimidating . Call the police on her ." She says .

"Kay , there's no need to do that if she didnt do anything incriminating.  Let's wait to see if she does anything to hurt you,  if she does we'll send her to jail , okay?" I soothe , she nods .

"Do you want to cuddle?" I ask her.  Face that once radiated sadness smiles and she nods .

"Yes please." She says .

We wash the dishes and head up to the bedroom for some cuddling . She smiles . Job done for the day .

We spend the entire weekend either cuddling or having sex . And I have to tell you that I made a great decision.  She's got good pussy .

It's now Monday,  I have work and I am not excited .

Kayla and I are showering and she begins singing . Laughter erupts from us as we continue singing and laughing happily .

We go to the closet and start dressing.  Myself in a black Armani suit and a Gucci tie with black shoes . Kayla dresses in a knee length black dress that shows her beautiful body and black heels . She looks great. 

Her newly dyed blonde hair is in a tight bun and her face is dabbed in make up . We head to the car .

The thirty minute drive to the company is lively as Kayla fill the silence with her singing . She's not that bad of a singer .

We pull onto the underground  parking of  the company . Kayla puts on black glasses and I also throw on black shades .

Her striking red lips turn up into a small smile as we strut into the building holding hands . Everyone starts whispering , while others stare and admire .

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