Chapter 64

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Ace's POV

Cass has been going to see Kimberly's therapist for almost a month now .

There is alot of progress,  she talks , she eats , she laughs but she still seems a bit closed off .

It worries me because I dont know if our relationship is ever going to be the same anymore .

About two weeks ago , I started going back to work . She told me to , and I just wanted to make her happy so I did .

Of course not before leaving some guards there for her safety,  I dont want to risk anything.

Hero has been an angel , he likes to look around . His face lights up when he sees me or Cass , he even coos sometimes . He still sleeps and eats alot , but I'd say it's way better then the first week .

I stare at the beautiful picture on the table that I took of Cass carrying Hero at the hospital. 

They look amazing , Hero's eyes were still closed and Cass was staring at him , adoring his beautiful face .

Her smile was big and beautiful,  she was extremely elated that day . 20th of November. Just five days before Thanksgiving.

Of course we missed Thanksgiving because Cass had to stay in the hospital for further tests. The doctor seemed wary of her well being.

Today , the 17th . I'm back at work , I stare at all the images on my desk . One of Cass cooking,  she didnt see me snap it and she hasn't been to work in a while .

Smith Industries is really different since Jason's death . It's more quiet and peaceful .

That girl who was Kayla's friend- Bayley - resigned about a week ago . The company is doing exceptionally well .

And the Hawaiian business is already on its feet .

As I stare closer at the paper work on my desk , clicking gets closer to my office . There is a knock on my door .

"Enter." I say and soon a 5,3ft lady enters .

She has raven hair , a heart face , blue eyes and pink lips . She looks at bit like a model but she has a strong demeanor , even for a model .

Her left hand has a ring on it , she is married . She is in tall heels that make her appear even taller than she is .

"Hi , I'm Bella Reese-Michelle ." She says , outreachimg her arm .

I take it and then gesture her to sit .

"I'm Ace Bernett ." I inform.

"I'm aware , I am Mr  Smith's lawyer . I was sent here to discuss something that should've been discussed before his death ." She says .

I cross my arms over my chest and stare at her blankly.

She pulls out a black envelope from a purse I didnt even realise she had with her.

"As you know , Mr Smith wanted to change his location,  he wanted to move to Paris and take over his new company . Unfortunately, he was killed .

But his wishes still remain the same . He wishes to hand his shares of the company over to you.

Yourself and your wife have full ownership to the company . You just gave to sign here and it'll be official ." She says .

She hands me the paper , and I stare at it . I read every word on it , I count every full stop and comma . I know lawyers can trick you into signing things that tie you to stuff you dont know .

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