Chapter 62

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The girl nervously stared back at Undertaker "What..."

Undertaker's face fell a bit at her expression. Why was she making that face? He nodded "Yes, he said it was urgent"

(Y/n) sucked in some breath and looked around


She glanced up to Undertaker, seeing him make a 'come here' movement with his fingers as he walked out the door. The girl stood and walked right after him, opening the door as well. She watched him as he walked down the hall, farther from where she was. Undertaker turned his head slightly to 'look' back at her, telling her to come with him.

(Y/n) gulped, walking faster to get to him


The two were now walking outside, walking around the front and the back of the School, circling it really

Yeah, Undertaker really left them badass kids alone in a classroom-

"What's bothering you, my Dear.."

The girl kept her head down as they went about their ways. She could rat Sebastian's ass out and have Undertaker deal with it or would that be a burden?

(Y/n) rubbed her wrist nervously "Yesterday or whatever...Uh.." Undertaker giggled and pat her head, trying to reassure her but the girl only smacked it away. She gave him a glare but soon let it falter.

Undertaker hummed "Pent up aggression, I see. Wonder where that's come from" The girl stared ahead before a small smile came to her face. It soon spread as laughter escaped her being, catching the silverette by surprise.

(Y/n) wiped her face as a familiar wetness fell down her cheek

"Y-You Bitch! Hahaha!"

His eyes widened as she looked up to him, smiling and crying continuously

"You really asked me that! Ppftt, haha!"

Her shoudlers shook and hunched over as she wiped the tears away from her eyes "It's p-practically you're fault anyway!" He just stood there and watched as her laughter died down to sniffles and occasional whines "You're the one that got me kicked out of here in the first place, hahaha! Yet, here you are trying to comfort me" She slowly looked up to him, eyes a bit red from the crying, tears spilling down, a smile just sitting there

As if she just thought the whole thing was a joke

Yet, it was

"Now, I come back and you guys just take a sudden shift. Back then, you guys used to be my besties and then when Alex popped up you just tossed me..." She wiped a tear "Ciel and William arent too bad, I still got Lizzie and the P4 and their Fags. Kanato fucked around and left me alone..." She snickered "And now..."

"Now you all pay attention to me.."

She tilted her head at him "How does that work?" She huffed and then looked down "Hilarious.."

Undertaker carried a frown as he stared at her face. He hated seeing her like this. Ever since they had known each other, he had never seen her cry. But, he was so focused on everything else that he didn't even think to treat the person that care for him most when he first came here

None of them have..

He lift a hand, going for her head. He hesitantly brought it back before he sat it on her head. They both stood like that, not even moving an inch.

"You have all right to be upset with me.."

The girl stared at her feet as he continued

"Giving you an excuse isnt going to help at all. All that I did was my doings.."

Undertaker kept his hand in place as he replayed the past memories he had with the girl from good to bad. From their get togethers to him cutting her off

He had felt terrible for it ever since

Catching a glimpse of her all broken like this..

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)..."


Alex brushed her hair in the Girls bathroom, humming a small tune while doing so. She looked at her wrist for a rubberband, soon lifting it up and biting the end, opening the band and making sure she could get the pony tail right

The girl then glanced to her right, lifting a brow once she saw Kanato behind her "Hey, Kanato. How did you get in here?"


The girl squinted her eyes and lift a brow "Yes?"


She turned around but jumped once she saw him directly infornt of her "I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity"

Alex's cheeks flushed as she stared at him "P-Perfect opportunity for wha---ACK!" She gripped his wrist as he lift it and gripped her neck, his eyes showing nothing but excitement

"You caused her all this trouble, didn't you?"

Alex gasped loudly as her back hit the wall harshly, her body sliding down

"You shameless, disgusting Creature. All you do is suck the joy out of her.."

She grunted as he kicked her side, petting her collapse on the floor

"You make her so angry...."

"You steal all the attention away that I want from her.."

Alex's eyes were wide as he stepped over to her and kicked her again

"I don't like it. Shes supposed to be paying attention to me"

Alex coughed and tried scooting away "Kanato! Stop! W-What are you talking about!" He growled "Don't call me by my name! I never liked you!" Alex covered herself in terror as he stood above her "You cause her pain! I know it! You enjoy having her look at you and think about you, you like it when she talks about you, dont you!" He sat a hand on his chest "I want her to think about me and me only. I want her to look at me! And you are the oke reason as to why she's so distracted!" He lift his leg again

"I hate you, damn you!"

Before he could do anything, the door to the bathroom opened, a screeching noise being made from it.

Alex shakily looked over before smiling in relief "Alois! Alois, please, help me! Please!"

The blonde stared at her before he looked back to Kanayo with a horrified look "Hpw could you! To Alex?" Kanato gripped Teddy cloaer as Alois bent down "Really, I just don't understand! How could you do this!" Alex hummed softly as he hugged her

"And not invite me in.."

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