Chapter 25

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Kanato held his bear tighter as the (h/c) haired female looked over the cupcake mix that Suji gave her.

"Now, all you have to do is make these cupcakes. It's a basic Vanilla recipe but you can add your little flair so I can take pictures and brag about how I'm the best Teacher in this dang school!"

It seemed well blended but something felt off. "Add your flair.." She tapped the counter with a thoughtful look. "Can you stop. That noise is irritating" She looked over to Kanato and sighed, sitting up straight "Do you have any suggestions on what we could add to this?" The purple haired male narrowed his eyes "Why would I need to share my opinions with you?"

Fed up with his remarks, she instead went on to do her work by herself. The girl went over to the back where the decorating placements were such as icing caps, bags, fondant, sprinkles. The list goes on.

(Y/n) rummaged her hand through the cabinets and hummed once she found what she was looking for. She picked up the multicolor sprinkle jar and stood back up, closing the cabinet door. She turned around but jumped at the purple eye male infornt of her "Mukami-San!" The shorter of the two sat a hand on her chest "Almost gave me a heart attack!"

His eyes looked hopeful for just a second, but it soon disappeared. "Behind you.." He stared at something that sat behind the girl. She looked over to see a knife holder. Her brows furrowed "Can you...Hand..Me..The sharpest one.."

She didn't want to but, how else would she confront him about it? She would sound too nosy. That's when the familiar red mark was seen on his hand. Her eyes glanced over to where he was previously sitting, another knife still laying on the table. 'The one he used before probably wasn't good enough'

Her eyes lit up


The girl tilted her head "Your arm..Are you ok?" Azusa ignored her little worried gaze and looked to his wrist "It didn't...Cut...As well" (Y/n) narrowed her eyes "My guy, I dont think that's safe for you to do" She slowly took the knife out, thinking of taking it with her so he wouldnt get to it. As soon as she did that, a hand was placed on hers.


The Mukami stared into her eyes "Will...You...Do it?" The girl went to answer but a growl was heard "I see, you left to spend time with this filth." (Y/n) sweatdropped 'Bro. Now is not the time to go crazy'

Kanato glared at the girl as Azusa still had his hand on hers "Is my presence not good enough for you? Selfish Human" The girl lift her hand "I didnt even do shi--There you go again, making noise. Be quiet!"

Azusa, being sorta left out, went to pull the knife out completely. (Y/n) caught on as her arm was being lifted up. She slammed the knife back down in its holder but flinched when she saw Azusa let out a small grunt.

She looked down to see the knife made a small cut on one of his fingers. "Oh, Azus--I mean, Mukami-San. I'm sorry, I didnt mean too" She fumbled with her words as the male stared over the wound. A tiny smile came to his face as the blood trickled down "It's...Perfect"

(Y/n) dug in one of the drawers as he gave the cut some affection "Bandaids, bandaid. Where the fuck are the bandoods!?" She frantically went to the next one, even checking the cabinets. Kanato cleared his throat, making her turn and see him holding a small box with the bandaids and he seemed to be holding them out for her. Where the fuck he got them? Lord knows. "Thank you, Saka--" She stopped once he held it higher.


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