Chapter 69

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Ciel chewed the egg he ate as he read the paper. He was looking upon the news for anything...Well, new


The blonde grimaced at him and sat down as well, pulling out his phone "Get with the times, Grandfather. Use your Phone for once"

Ciel tried his best to ignore him as he sat and stared at the words. In his defense, the paper tells you things that you don't even see alot!

"Young Master"

A plate was sat down, along with another one. The two Butlers stood and let the two eat away. But, another had joined in, hapoy as can be with a little skip in his step "Mornin', everyone~"

Alois smiled and waved while Ciel have out a hum. The silverette let out a small yawn as he walked into the opend kitchen "Well, what a loud Night it's was"

Ciel stopped for a moment and lift his head "..Loud?"

Undertaker tapped his cheek in thought "You didn't hear all the screamin'? Well, goodness me"

Alois blinked rapidly in confusion while Ciel just sat and thought

...What noise?


The Reaper scratched his side as he walked in the hall. He was a little tired but, he didn't really care. It was break anyway, who gives two fucks-

He then froze as the door in front of him slung open. He furrowed his brows and moved to the side "Oi, watch where yo-"

He froze and stared at the girl that walked out of the room. She looked his way and huffed "Ronald.."

Ronald blinked for a moment and then cleared his throat, stepping away "O-Oh, hey-I haven't seen you in a whi-" He stopped once he bumped into the wall, a painting falling his head

He rubbed it and looked up "Ow.."


Ronald looked back to the girl to see her smiling just a little at him. She then looked away and yawned, walking away from him.

Ronald stared at her being and then down himself, smiling just a little. He looked back to her and raced over, stopping next to her


She stared ahead as she walked

"Where ya headed"

She kept quiet for a little. And this only made him even more nervous.

"William's room. I think"

Ronald 'oh'd' and then stopped "Well, you're goin' the wrong way. William-Senpai's room is down there" She looked to the way he was pointing, only to find that it was the same way she came

"His room is right next to the one you were sleeping in, actually"

She stared ahead and then bashfully turned back, going in the other direction. All while Ronald laughed


The group stared with wide eyes as the four ate in silence

Since when...



The blonde wrapped his arms around the girl and rubbed his head on her as she ate her food "I'm so happy to see you! How are you? You look so cute when you eat, I just want to pinch your cheeks!"

Ciel looked from him to Undertaker. This must've been what he meant by there being a ruckus last Night. He then looekd back to the Reapers "How did she get here? At what time? And why wasn't I notified"

William wiped his mouth as he finished his food, dabbing his mouth "Pardon me, however, you seem to forget that that are not the head of this household"

Ciel sent him a glare and then looekd back to Alois before shaking his head "Get off of her you'll squeeze her to death"

Alois giggled and hugged her tighter "Good. It just shows how much I love her!"

The girl took a deep breath and exhaled. This was new but, she didn't really have the time to fight against it


"A walk?"

The girl nodded up at Claude as he stared "Yeah. Maybe in the back. It might be nice"

She turned around and stared at the green leaves that began to grow back "Plus, Spring's coming soon anyway"

She looked back to Claude as he watched her "I just wanted to tell you, just in case anyone asks where I went"

Claude nodded "Yes, My Lady"

(Y/n) stared back at him before reaching for his hand and holding it up. She slid the glove down and then turned his palm

Claude tilted his head in confusion as she pressed her lips upon his skin. Rather odd thing to do, right?

She then smiled at him "Thank you, Claude"

She turned around and walked out the door, leaving Claude to himself. He looked to his hand and then back to her as she walked closer to the woods

Well, that's new..


The girl walked around the woods in peace. It felt nice. No one trying to stress her or suck blood from her or as he repeated questions or corner her

Just a moment with herself..

Speaking of which, coming from me, the good ol' Narrator, how has life been doin' ya? Anything good, anything bad? I hope it's alright<3

(Y/n) took a deep breath with a smile and let it out. This helped ease everything out. Oh, she needed this. Just birds and the air

A nice sunny sky too. It felt perfect!

Such a sight and feeling many deserve but barely ever get

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