Chapter 70

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"Nautghy, naughty Okami-Chan~"

The girl froze and looked back before her mouth left her breath

All of them

All ten..

Laito gave her a wave "Foolish little Bitch" Kanato stepped forward, lowered eyes "I see now. You're nothing but a Whore, aren't you"

(Y/n) looked around at them as she kept her mouth shut. She didn't know what to say or how to explain it

She then yelled out as a hand gripped her wrist, the albino glaring down at her "Were nothing but trading cards, or some shit?"

"Did you forget about all that we've done that they haven't, Pansā-Chan?"

Kou gave her a look of disgust as he walked closer. (Y/n) began to step back at their stares. Why were they so upset-Actually, no, she knows why. But, it's hard trying tobkeep up with everyone and everything..

"How could she forget. You lot did 'rid' her of every bad thought, right?"

The blunette stepped out as well from behind a tree, his arms at his sides as he glared back at them "You're doing a fine job, I must say"

"Don't give them the satisfaction, Ciel"

Alois crossed his arms as he walked beside him "It's pointless after all"

Reiji grunted "This isn't matters with you. This only relies with Miss (L/n)"

The three Reapers of the group dropped down as they came up as well. Grell scorned at them, holding his Scythe over his shoulder "Oh, please. Cornering a Woman in such an area only means one thing"

Ayato lift a brow at him "Yeah? And what the hell does that mean!"

"Well, looky looky~"

The silverette stepped out as well, a smile on his face "A fight of sorts, eh?"

Everyone glared or stared at eachother. Waiting for someone to move first. Waiting for someone to say or do anything.


The girl flinched and looked back at Ciel as Sebastian stood behind him.


The girl's eyes went wide "Ch.."

"It shouldn't be that hard"

She looked to the Brothers as Shu stared into her eyes

"Choose the ones you like more. I'm sure Women like you shouldn't have a hard time at this"

(Y/n) stepped away from him as he came up. But, she began to walk even further when Ciel stepped over

She kept backing away, staring at at all as they weighted her with such such option. She..

She didn't know who..

Sure, both groups had been Assholes at some point but, they had all changed

She just...


They all stared eagerly at her as she stood nervously

"I-I chose..."

She looked up towards the people she wanted, her eyes dead set on them

"I choose.."

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