| 8 | Avengers | 8 |

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The car ride to the tower was mostly silent. I was still in shock from finding out that the person I had been texting was the actual Tony Stark, and he was currently taking me to the Avengers Tower. I was kind of worried that I'd do something wrong, and they would get mad at me or something, but I was definitely excited.

I was lucky that Mr. Stark had seen Flash beat me up a little bit, that way no one would question the other bruises. The ones from May.

Once we arrived at the tower, I silently followed Mr. Stark inside, not wanting to be more of a burden than I already was, and he led me into what I assumed to be his private elevator. On the inside, I was freaking out, totally ready to fanboy over everything, but on the outside, I was a perfectly composed "no big deal" teenage boy standing next to Tony freaking Stark.

"Floor 91 please Fri." Mr. Stark said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I could feel the elevator quickly climb to the upper floors of the skyscraper as Mr. Stark spoke again.

"You okay kid?"

"What?" I wasn't used to people really caring. I mean, Ned and MJ would ask occasionally, but this was different. I barely knew Mr. Stark. Ned and MJ were my best friends so they were kind of obligated to. It was strange.

"You're just quiet. And that kid got you pretty good back there..."

"Oh! O-oh yeah I'm fine..." I answered, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

Mr. Stark nodded suspiciously. Gosh Peter. Don't say you're fine. People know that when you say that you're lying. Why are you so stupid???

SNAP (Sorry... I promise I didn't do this on purpose. I noticed after I wrote this...)

Mr. Stark pulled his hand away from my face, having had to snap me out of my thoughts. 

"We're here kid."

"S-sorry..." I said quietly. For about the billionth time this week, I mentally slapped myself. I knew Mr. Stark wasn't going to hurt me like May did, but I couldn't help the involuntary reaction oof fear whenever I messed up. It even happened with Ned and MJ sometimes. It was always worse with Ned. He always looked so guilty, and then I felt bad.

Mr. Stark had clearly noticed my change in attitude, because he almost immediately patted my back (which I hated myself for flinching at) and said "Don't sweat it kid."

He paused.

"We're also gonna talk about the whole getting shot and stabbed thing. I know you're Spiderman and stuff, but still. You're what? 10?"

Desperate to pretend everything was "fine" I made the most over exaggerated mock offense face in the history of the universe, to which Mr. Stark chuckled.

"14?" He asked.

"15." I corrected.

"Yeah yeah." He said, waving it off as he turned the corner into an open living room/kitchen thing that was probably bigger that May's whole apartment!

My eyes immediately darted around the room, carefully examining each Avenger who were all just kind of doing their own things.

I quickly felt out of place, and tried to shrink down to be as small as possible, so as not to disturb or disrupt anyone.

Mr. Stark cleared his throat.

"Look who I found!" He said cheerfully. Everyone looked up almost immediately, their eyes widening in surprise when they recognized me.

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