| 10 | I'm Sorry | 10 |

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STUPID Peter Parker!

WHY didn't I pay more attention to the time?

It's past my curfew again. Second day in a row. Well, May thought it was the third since I had gone out as Spiderman the day before I met Mr. Stark, but that just made it about a thousand times worse!

Why can't I do anything right???

I sprinted as fast as I could up to our apartment, and stopped only when I reached the front door. May was going to be furious.

Knowing there was no other option, I carefully opened the door, preparing myself for the horrors that waited inside.

"I'm home." I called out. I knew she would be awake, just waiting for me to arrive so she could beat me 'til I died. "Sorry I'm late... I lost track of-"

"Shut up." I heard an enraged voice growl from behind me. Slowly turning around, I was met with a disheveled May Parker.

I gulped.

"Why are you home so late?"

"I told you. I lost track of-" A quick slap cut me off.

"Cut the bull Peter." I was surprised by the insane amounts of wrath and disgust coating her voice as she spoke. "Were you out having sex with your girlfriend again?"

"W-what?" I most certainly did not have a girlfriend, and when I had sex, I would at least hope to be married to them first. (This is what my family believes, so I've kind of been raised that way. I figured Peter is too much of a cinnamon roll to do otherwise so don't hate please!)

"Why else would you start constantly being late all of a sudden? I thought Ben and I raised you better than this!" Suddenly, May was shouting. I figured the sudden outburst had come from simply remembering Ben.

"M-ma'am I promise. I wasn't having sex. I don't even have a girlfriend." I stuttered.

"So you're a liar now too? I thought we established a long time ago that I don't tolerate lying Peter!" May scolded.

"Ma'am. Ma'am I promise I'm not lying. Please. I'm being completely honest ma'am please." I begged.

"Shut UP!" May said, slamming me into the ground. After years and years of abuse, she seems to have really gotten the hang of it. Even though I could beat her in an instant, she was my aunt, and I didn't want to hurt her. Even if I did though, I would probably be too "frozen in fear" to do anything.

I laid there, my hands pinned above my head, panting heavily, waiting for her to make a move. She soon became impatient, and slapped me, before letting go, and walking over to the kitchen.

I had never seen May more furious, so my punishment today would probably be the worst I'd ever had, which scared me because may had gotten pretty violent in the past.

When May came back, she had the whole set. Knives, a belt, cigarettes. I prepared myself for the worst.

"Stand up." May said with more venom in her voice than I thought was humanly possible.

"M-ma'am p-please. I-I'm s-sorry." I pleaded. Although I knew it wasn't going to do anything, I still couldn't help myself from begging for mercy. Tonight was going to be probably the most painful in a long long time.

"Stand up." She repeated, somehow even harsher.

I hesitantly obeyed.

"Turn around." I followed her instructions, placing my hands on the wall, and holding my breath, preparing myself for the pain that was about to come.


The belt cam crashing down upon my back, and I could feel the angry red line appearing, some of which was blood coming from a fresh cut as I cried out in pain.

Again and again and again. She "whipped" me with the belt, each time hurting more and more as the belt opened up old cuts, and did even more damage to the most recent fresh ones.

When May decided she was done with the belt, my back was a bloody mess, and I could barely stand.

"That's enough of that." She said evilly. She didn't mean enough of punishment, but enough of that specific method.

I already knew the drill for the other two things, so I slowly sat down, and desperately tried to suck in as much air as I could, still winded from the lashes.

May harshly grabbed my arm, and began to carve word into it, cutting deeply. I watched as the words worthless, disappointment, brat, waste of space, useless, all appeared on my skin as she dragged the knife across my body, her eyes sparkling with pleasure.

I barely made any noises when she cut, but that didn't mean I wasn't feeling any pain. I had just learned how to control how vocal I was about it. I had learned that years ago, when the neighbors had heard May giving me one of my punishments, but May "The Master Liar" said I was simply throwing a fit, and then she proceeded to punish me even more after.

After she had had enough of the knife, my vision was becoming blurry, with the occasional black spot dancing it's was across. Probably blood loss. I thought to myself.

I sucked in a large breath as May grabbed the box of cigarettes and lit one.

"Ma'am please." I pleaded weakly. Of course, my pleas did nothing to diminish the bloodthirsty look of insanity in May's eyes.

When May had finally finished covering my arm and chest with fresh burns, she gave me a small beating, doing little damage other than possibly breaking my leg.

That's gonna be hard to explain. I thought to myself.

May left the room, somehow smiling. She had enjoyed that. I had begun to wonder a few years ago if May was mentally insane or something, but I guess I'll never know.

Using the last bit of my strength, I stood up, and stumbled to my room, each step sending a fresh wave of pain coursing through my body.

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