| 13 | Family | 13 |

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It has been 1 week since Tony adopted Peter. 

I threw myself out of bed and onto the floor, groaning loudly. My alarm continued to blare at a seemingly impossible volume until I was finally able to slam the off button, accidentally smashing the clock. 

"Well darn." I whispered to myself. 

"Peter, Mr. Stark asked me that he wishes for you to come to the common room once you wake up." FRIDAY spoke, making me jump all the way onto the ceiling. 

I slowly defended back to the floor as I spoke. "Oh uh... Thanks Fri. Tell him I'll be right out." 

"Of course Peter." 

I quickly got dressed, and trudged into the living room, seeing Mr. Stark sitting on the couch, an unreadable expression on his face, which immediately sparked into a smile when he saw that I had come in. 

"Hey Pete!" 

"Hey Mr. Stark! Wassup?" I responded, unable to keep my face from contorting into an unmistakable look of joy, only faltering when I saw Mr. Stark's face fall. 

"Um... You might wanna come sit down." As soon as those words left his mouth, I felt my heart rate immediately pick up and it seemed like someone had dropped a rock in the bottom of my stomach. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, taking the spot next to Mr. Stark. 

"Uh... FRIDAY replay the news from a couple hours ago." 

"Of course." 

May's prison photo appeared on the screen, with a young female reporter in the background.  

"Maybelle Parker, age 41, (I couldn't find her actual age on the all knowing Google so just go with it) sentenced to a life in prison after being charged with first degree child abuse, was found dead, victim to suicide early this morning. Her nephew, who shall remain anonymous, was adopted one week ago by a very close mentor, and shall remain under his care unless either of the two find the arrangement non-fufilling or uncomfortable. Why Maybelle Parker committed suicide is still unknown. Stay tuned for further updates. This is Karen Page CNN." 

The tv clicked off, and I honestly didn't know what to feel. I was obviously sad because my last living family member was dead, but she had also hurt me the entire time I lived with her. I never wanted her dead, or even hurt, even if she would hurt me, and I still had an emotional attachment to her because she was my aunt, but it was strange. In a way, I was relieved, but I was also feeling immense grief. 

The look of confusion and conflict that was scattered throughout my mind must have been portrayed on my face, because Mr. Stark soon spoke up. 

"You ok kid?" 

"I don't know." I answered truthfully. 

"I get that... You wanna talk about it?" 

"I mean... It's weird I guess? Like, in a way I'm relieved because I know that she can't hurt me anymore, but I'm also sad, because she was still family... You know?"

Mr. Stark sat, nodding as he processed what I said.

"That makes sense. I would assume what you are feeling is natural, so don't feel like you're doing anything wrong for not being sad enough, or being too sad, or whatever is going on in that mind of yours." he paused. "What I do know, however, is that what she did to you was not okay. I want you to understand that. Under no circumstances is that okay. She hurt you, and you didn't deserve that. It doesn't matter what you did that made her hit you, but no matter what, it was not okay. You hear me?" I nodded. "Come here." He said, spreading his arms for a hug, which I gratefully accepted, sinking into his warm embrace, the soft hum and glow of the arc reactor providing an odd comfort.

"I love you Pete." He whispered, running his fingers through my hair.

"I love you too dad."

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