| 9 | Really Ms. Nat? | 9 |

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Eventually we have to learn to just let go.

I learned to let go of my happy child hood a long, long, time ago.

And it really came in handy on days like this.

Because I had stayed for dinner with the Avengers the previous day, I had been late when I came home. To makes things worse, May was super drunk, so that didn't help anything.

That is why I was currently standing in front of my closet, trying to find a hoodie that will cover up my bruises, but also won't look suspicious when I went back to the tower today.

The school had found out about Flash having a literal gun, and so school was cancelled for the rest of the week while they sorted this out. Mr. Stark had known this, so he decided to invite me over to the tower all day today, which I was grateful for. May didn't really care since she didn't want to have to deal with me, and it probably would've been bad if I had to stay home today. I mean, sure May loved to beat me, but she didn't want me around all the time.

I eventually settled on a fairly nice, simple hoodie that just looked like someone would wear it as part of an outfit. I was able to get away with the more suspicious hoodies when I went to school, but I was going to Avengers Tower, so I would need something a little better.

The last thing I needed was for them to find out about the abuse.

I had grown pretty close to everyone over dinner. Well, as close as you can get to a person in an hour and a half or knowing each other. Everyone was really nice, and even Ms. Nat, the literal spy and assassin, seemed to have taken a liking to me. There were times where she'd show some sort of motherly affection, and the other Avengers would be all surprised.

When I got to the tower, I immediately went back up to the penthouse, where Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner were already waiting. I might have fanboyed a little bit over Mr. Banner yesterday, but that wasn't the point.

"Hey Pete! I looked at your grades and all that stuff, and I wanted to see what you can do!" Mr. Stark. I tilted my head, slightly confused. "Wanna head up to the lab with Bruce and I?" He added.

"Y-yeah sure!" I said somewhat enthusiastically. Mr. Stark smiled, and I followed him and Mr. Banner right back into the elevator I had just walked out of.

As the doors were closing however, I couldn't help but notice Ms. Nat looking at me with what I thought was. suspicion.

~ Time Skip ~

We had been working in the lab for about 4 hours, and I had to admit it was one of the most fun things I have ever done!

Mr. Stark was very surprised and impressed at what I could do, and he even invited to come back and work in the lab with him more often. At least twice a week.

"Boss, the Mean Russian Lady requests that you come down for lunch." FRIDAY said suddenly, causing me to jump quite a bit.

"Alright Fri. We could probably use a break anyway." Mr. Stark said, looking at both me and Mr. Banner for confirmation, to which we both sighed and nodded.

Once we had taken the elevator back down to the penthouse, all the Avengers who were currently staying at the tower had gathered in the kitchen. When Ms. Nat saw us however, she stood up from her spot at the island, and headed right over to us.

"Peter can I talk to you?" She asked.

I hesitantly replied with a quiet "Sure" and she pulled me away into a hallway.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie?" She asked blunt, but caring. I didn't really know what to say. Did she suspect something?

I shrugged.

"Take it off." She said.


"Take off your hoodie." She demanded.

"I don't think-"

"Don't make me force you Peter." Ms. Nat said. I looked her in the eyes for the first time, and could tell that she was being 100% serious. 

Hesitantly, I removed my hoodie, revealing my beaten, bruised, bloody, scarred arms. Ms. Nat gasped quietly. I figured she had suspected something, but didn't expect it to be this bad.

"What happened?" She asked.

"That kid from yesterday." I lied.

"You didn't have those bruises yesterday."


"Spiderman didn't go out last night."

"I-" Should I tell her? Maybe I could convince her not to tell the others... I didn't want to get May in trouble, and I deserved it too. Although, there was really no point in lying now. "My aunt." I answered quietly, looking down.

Ms. Nat kept a mostly straight face, though I could recognize the look of sorrow in her eyes. She was probably trying to stay strong for me.

"How long?" She asked.

"Ever since my uncle died." I answered. "So about 6 years. She sorta blamed me I guess. I mean, it kind of was my fault, but-"

"No." She cut me off. "No Peter it was not your fault. You hear me? None of this was your fault. You're a good person, who's had a lot of bad things happen to them." She paused. I just nodded, taking a sudden interest in the floor.

"Do the others know?"

"No. Nonononono. And I'd kinda like to keep it that way..." I said quickly. Nat sighed.

"I promise not to tell them, but you'll have to eventually."

"I know... I know. I just... I'm not ready for that yet."

"Okay. If it gets worse though, you better expect for me to break my promise." I sighed.


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