Chapter 3- Traitorous Pests

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"My alarm is broken," I announced to my dad as I sat myself down at the breakfast table

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"My alarm is broken," I announced to my dad as I sat myself down at the breakfast table.

"Does it need more batteries?"

"No. I chucked it across my room and it shattered." I don't believe in early risers. People who enjoy waking up before noon scare me.

"Rowena, that's the third alarm I replaced for you. I'm hot gluing the next one to your nightstand." I only shrugged my shoulders in response.

"How was your first day?" He asked me as I was still rubbing sleep from my eyes. I could detect the slightest accusation in his tone. I had promised I would do better at this school, considering the fights I was involved in last year and all the teachers that hated me because I questioned their stupidity.

"Extremely uneventful." He gave an approving nod and I don't know why it bothered me. "Okay I lied, there was a break-in at the school yesterday."

His eyebrows raised in interest. He and I both knew I was about to tell the most unbelievable tale, but he humored me anyway.

"It was a dog with rabies, a whole family of them. They were surrounding the cafeteria with their mouths all covered in foam. We had to lock ourselves in, but they could still see us from the glass doors. And then one of them gets up on two legs and says, we're here for our fallen brethren. We had hot dogs for lunch you see. So, I knew it was my duty to save us all from the threat, you know daughter of head detective and all, so I very bravely got up and met them outside the cafeteria. I stood with my chin held high and said, hot dogs are not made from dogs, it's just highly processed beef. And BAM, they were cured."

"Talking dogs with rabies," he shook his head, "I hate when that happens."

"Yeah well, it didn't end there. I thought they were cured but really, they were just transforming. It turns out they were actually talking cows in disguise and now they were just angry. So then, I had to call Chicken-fil-B for reinforcement because, you know, I remember they hire talking cows for advertisement. So anyway, everyone was so grateful for my bravery, the cows were grateful I gave them employment, and then the principal told me I didn't have to back to school for an entire month as a sign of gratitude for saving the entire school."

"Ah, so you can just go back to sleep and not have to worry about your education."

"Exactly dad!" I held my hand up for a high five, but he just stared at it.

"That story's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You're allergic to dogs."

"That was the most ridiculous detail? Besides you weren't even listening, they were cows in disguise."

He got up with his mug still full of coffee. "Go get ready dreamer." He was going upstairs to get ready himself. "Cows in disguise," he mumbled, "You should be a writer."

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