Chapter 9- Cafeteria Chaos

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"You have to factor x cubed minus eight first and then solve it from there

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"You have to factor x cubed minus eight first and then solve it from there. Look where you went wrong here." I pointed to the problem on Cyrus's paper. It was lunchtime, but we had a quiz next period that I was helping him prepare for.

"Oh no shit," he thought aloud and began to rework the problem.

"Ooh, a math wizard. That's very impressive Rowena," said Adam as he came to set his lunch tray down. I don't know where he came from, but this is the first time he sat with us during lunch.

"Not really, I just pay attention in class."

"You don't think I do?" Cyrus asked in an offended tone. "I probably pay more attention than you do, but I swear Mrs. Vienna is speaking another language."

"Lucky I'm a good translator then. Where's Declan?" I asked Adam, who had begun stuffing his face with a slice of pizza.

"Don't worry Row Row, I'm right here," He slapped his tray down in the empty space beside me, flashing me an annoyingly perfect smile.

Cyrus snorted at his paper. "Row Row," he said under his breath.

"I don't wanna hear a peep from you until you finish the problem," I frowned at him. Secretly, I was very satisfied with being able to tell Cyrus what to do. Usually, the roles were reversed.

He rolled his eyes and went back to his work. Declan leaned over to get a better look at his paper.

"Damn, I took that quiz last period."

Cyrus snapped his head up. "Was it hard? What was on it? How'd you do?" He asked frantically.

Declan shrugged his shoulders and opened his mouth to say something, but someone interrupted him.

"My pizza taste like stale cardboard," Adam complained.

"As opposed to fresh cardboard, huh?" Cyrus asked sarcastically.

But Adam wasn't listening. Instead, he had his attention very steady on my fresh cut sandwich that still laid safely in its container.

"Woah there Adam, eyes up here fool. Keep your gaze off my goodies." I snatched up my container into my arms and he finally looked up.

"C'mon Row, you have two halves... and there's only one of you."

"One of me that plans on thoroughly enjoying both halves of her sandwich, so don't even think about it."

I should have seen it coming. I should have thought that he would reach across the table and swipe my beautiful sandwich container straight from my arms. I should have held on tighter and never let it slip away. But I didn't. Adam now had my sandwich in his thieving hands.

The first thing I did was glare at Cyrus. He had the sense to pull his notebook out of the way, but not to save my sandwich for me. Fake ass bitch.

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