Chapter 36- Caught in a Lie

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"Row, I promise you I'm fine

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"Row, I promise you I'm fine. He can stare all he wants," Natalie said as I was packing things away from my backpack and to my locker.

"Just wanted to be sure," I mumbled, looking back over to where Duncan and Jeremy were standing. Duncan was too busy saying something to Brooke, but Jeremey had been staring our way since we were in his general vicinity.

"Has he tried to talk to you since that night?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's called a few times. Left a few texts, but nothing too crazy."

"And you haven't been talking to him, right?" I asked slowly.

"No, I haven't," she responded convincingly. "It feels really good too. I had no idea how much that relationship was weighing me down," she finished with a roll to her shoulders, as if she meant literally instead of figuratively.

"Are you girls ready yet?" Cyrus asked as he came around to my locker. I was finishing up just as Adam came around as well.

"What's up with that guy?" Adam asked and he and Cyrus both looked back to Jeremy who's staring had now turned into a hard glare.

"We broke up," Natalie said without looking over. Cyrus's attention snapped to her in an instant.

"Hey," Adam said with a sudden chipper. "Guess who's taking you out on your next date."

"If I have any luck left in the universe it's going to be Dylan O'Brien," Natalie said.

"Hah," Adam laughed. "Even better. It'll be me," he said proudly, giving himself a smack to the chest.

"Adam, you don't want to take me out on a date."

"Yes I do," Adam replied, like it was the most obvious fact in the world.

Natalie gasped. "Look, there's Lauren Reynolds!"

"Where?" Adam asked with interest, throwing his head side to side in search of her. Apparently, Lauren was one of his many crushes. Natalie nodded at his reaction as if she had expected it and moved on with the conversation.

Just as I was wondering where Declan was, my phone vibrated with a call.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked him through the phone.

"I'm not coming today. I have to take Parker to an appointment. Will you tell Cyrus to make sure Coach knows?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure thing. Is Parker okay?"

"Yeah, he's probably fine. I think it's just his allergies acting up, we might have to change his medication." It had just occurred to me then that his voice sounded exhausted. It had been Saturday when I last saw him, and now today was Monday.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, wondering why sounded so drained. He hadn't texted me much this weekend and I was eager to see him today.

"I'm fine. Just didn't sleep much last night. Julie and my dad are busy today so I'm staying home with Parker."

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