Chapter 10- Math & Mowgli

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Our first tutoring session was Wednesday after practice

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Our first tutoring session was Wednesday after practice.

I spent after school with Natalie and the newspaper group, since that's the day we all meet up. I already took all my photos for the next print, so basically, I was just there to bother Natalie.

Tucker, Michelle, and Lillian were all there too, working on their individual pieces to write for the paper. Natalie was in charge of the main piece and overlooking everyone else's work.

Declan gave me his number and his address to meet up with him afterward. This was going to be the first time we would meet just the two of us. I hated to admit that I was nervous.

And then I discovered something when I pulled up in front of his house.

He never told me he was rich. When I mean rich, I mean this bitch is loaded. I don't speak rich people, but this pretty much looked like a mansion to me.

I felt awkward getting out of my car. I never complained about it before considering it got me safely from point A to point B, but looking from my car to Declan's house, I thought I could have at least gotten a car wash.

When I rang the doorbell, a lady greeted me straight away. "Hey there! You must be Rowena?"

She was a tall woman with gorgeous brown hair, deep blue eyes, and well-defined cheekbones. I would say she was mid-forties.

"Hi, yes I'm here to help Declan with school work."

"I'm Julie, it's so nice to meet you. Come on in darling." She opened the door wider and stepped aside so that I could walk through.

Yep, mansion vibes for sure. The ceiling seemed to be miles high and was decorated with a massive chandelier. I bet it could support Sia in one of her spontaneous moments.

They had two stairways, one on each side of the foyer. It was the biggest entry room I had ever seen.

"You have a very beautiful house," I said, still thrown off from my amazement.

"Oh, thank you. It's my husband's house, but he has me to thank for all the interior design. Follow me this way, you can wait for Declan in the dining room."

She pointed me to their dining table and told me that Declan would be down soon. I used the alone time to take my stuff out and get everything ready. It was my way of distracting myself, so I didn't get up and explore things I had no business exploring.

My distraction didn't last long. I stood up from my chair and looked at the enormous cabinet tucked on the far wall. It was filled with intricate dishes, with its expensive-looking bowls and carefully painted teacups.

Don't worry, I didn't open it.

I moved along from the cabinet and took about three steps away, my gaze still lingering, when something latched itself onto my leg.

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