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Levi shuts himself back into his office as fast as he can.

What the hell are you doing here?

He props his elbows up on his desk and presses his fingers into his forehead, allowing himself a minute to collect his thoughts. He hadn't expected it to be you: he'd expected another timid man or woman who would flinch every time he spoke to them. Another person that would be easily offended and he'd be tossed in another pointless HR meeting.

But he knows you're not like that. He knows, because your confidence is what attracted him to you at the bar, what made him go home with you and let you suck him off-

Levi groans, palms flush against his forehead. The sex had been great, so great he almost considered asking for your number before he left. Now, he's just glad he didn't.

You're his fucking assistant.

"Well, isn't that fucking peachy," Levi says to his ceiling.

It's fine. It's easy enough to pretend it never happened- as long as you're content with doing the same. Yeah, that'd be fine. Just pretend it never happened.

He spreads his paperwork out across his desk, wondering what he can assign to you so that you'll have minimal contact. Maybe the profiling- it's tedious work and it should be a good introduction to the system. Yeah, he'll give you that.

Minutes pass and he's nearly forgotten about you when he hears a knock. "You'd better have my tea," he calls.

You say something back about how it's green tea, and he calls you in. When you walk in, he finally takes more than just your face, which had stopped him cold last time. You're wearing a decent suit, and a turtleneck, which he bets is to hide some of the dark marks he made sure to leave across your collarbone. Just the thought of it makes him stiffen up.

He tries the tea you made. It's actually not half bad.

"This is shit," Levi lies, glaring at you.

Your shoulders sink. "Oh."

"Don't steep it as long next time," he says, because you've got more promise than most of the past interns and if you can manage to make him decent tea, it'll be worth it to have hired you. "It takes away the steepness." Levi remembers those profiles he thought of earlier and points them out to you, mentioning your work email. He notes how you stiffen up. "You have accessed your work email by now, yes?"

To your credit, your eyes don't stray. You say, "no, sir."

Sir. He wants to laugh.

Fine then. He'll play your game. "Get on it then, intern," Levi says.

He sees the sudden pause, the rise of your shoulders, and he hides his triumphant smirk. He's ruffled you. You take the stack of papers and head to the door, then turn back before you make it out of his office. "Anything else?" you ask.

Damn. It would've been easier to ignore you if you could've started out as a shit employee. Instead, you're respectful, polite, and can make a decent cup of tea. "No," he says flatly, but before Levi can stop himself, he adds, "looking forward to working with you."

You repeat the sentiment back to him, a smile on your face. You move to close the door behind you and Levi finds himself staring at your ass until the door blocks it from view.

The door clicks shut. Levi smacks himself in the head with his binder.


Getting settled in isn't too bad.

Historia helps you set up your work email without even needing to be asked- you swear she's an angel in disguise- and you click through some of the ones from this morning. Eventually, you start sifting through profiles, trying to get a sense of what you're supposed to be doing.

no funny business  |  levi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now