seven [nsfw]

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A/N: alright, fuck it. if they take it down, they take it down. I'll post everything I've got here and keep updating it here as I update ao3, so if you've been reading this on ao3, don't worry- you're not missing anything.

NSFW folks. Enjoy.


As soon as you're out of the building, Levi has you call Armin. You call him and get a location on where they're having lunch, and Levi starts to drive, informing you that it's only five minutes away.

He doesn't talk about what happened in the elevator.

You can still feel the pressure on your lips, his hand on your thigh, his hair between your fingers. Your body feels hypersensitive. If you shut your eyes, you can still picture Levi's fiery gaze on you, stripping you down with his eyes, before he finally decided to let go of whatever qualms he had about making a move.

His lips had been so, so soft...

You blink as Levi says, "we're here," and he pulls the car over the side of the street. You dial Armin's number again on your phone.

He picks up and says, "we can see your car, we'll be there in a second. Eren's just in the bathroom."

"Tell him if Jaeger doesn't hurry up, we're leaving without him," Levi says.

"If Eren doesn't hurry up, Levi's threatened to leave without him," you relay, pressing the phone tighter to your ear. 

There's the sound of fumbling on the other end before Armin chuckles. "Alright, he's out, we're coming."

You hang up and glance at Levi. "You wouldn't actually leave them, would you?"

"I would," he replies, eyes still trained forward at the car parked in front of you.

He won't even look at you.

For the second time that day, you wish you could pry his brain open and see what the hell's going on inside. Does he regret it? Wish it never happened? Does he want to do it again? 

The door to the back seat opens, and Armin slides in. He grins at you. "Hey! How'd it go?"

"I'm not sure," you say, glancing at Levi. He's still not looking at you. "I-"

"Hey!" Eren greets, sliding in next to Armin and shoving the blond over into the next seat. "Didn't get bored to death? I remember the one time I went, I fell asleep in the middle of it!"

"Yet somehow, we didn't fire you," Levi grumbles. As soon as Eren closes the door, Levi pulls away from the sidewalk and sets out on the road. 

Armin seems to sense the tension- you hate how sharp he is. "Did something happen?" he asks, frowning.

Eren slumps down. "We're not getting our budget again, are we?"

Again. It sounds like they're used to disappointment. You glance at Levi again, then force your eyes back onto the road in front of you. "I'm not the person to ask," you say, brushing off the questions. "That was my first meeting, I'm not sure what the usual is." Whatever the usual is, you bet it's not having the intern rat out the Garrison for playing chess.

"Captain?" Armin asks tentatively.

Levi clicks his tongue. "I think we've got a good chance of getting what we want this year."

All three of you straighten up. "Really?" Eren says excitedly. "Does this mean we could get new chairs? God, my chair is so worn down-"

"Because you keep having races with Jean," Armin interrupts. "What went different this time?"

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