eleven [nsfw]

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TW: Semi-Public Sex ;)


November rears its ugly head, and the weather gets cold much faster than you would've liked. 

Waiting for the bus every morning becomes more and more painful. The temperature isn't all that bad yet, but the wind is what makes it nasty. You've started packing a spare brush in your purse just because your hair is always an atrocity by the time you arrive.

Somewhere along the line, your workplace relationship with Levi shifts.

It's not a large change, and it's not really visible to anyone except you (at least, to the best of your knowledge). Levi's become more tolerable: less snappish, less demanding, more short words of praise like "this one wasn't as shitty as the last one". 

Sure, it's not much, but it's better. 

The office is as rowdy as always. Because of the cold, not as many people are inclined to go out for lunch, so the lunch room is always full and therefore never quiet. Several times, Eren and Jean has almost gotten in a fist fight over the table. One time, the table tipped over- you were lucky to be sitting at a different one so you didn't have to deal with Sasha trying to swipe all of the food off the floor while Mikasa held Eren back from swinging at Jean.

You really do love this team. Your time at work is actually enjoyable. You'd worked other jobs before and always dreaded having to go to your shifts; now, you actually look forward to it.

And no, it's not just because you're hoping you can fuck Levi in his office again.

Friday rolls around, as it does every week. Fridays have become your favorite days- for one thing, it's the end of the week, so everyone's a bit lax about work. Levi's always a bit less stressed on Fridays as well. Plus, it seems to be the day that always drives the sexual tension between you and Levi through the roof. Besides your initial fuck on Halloween, every other physical encounter has been on a Friday.

You consider texting Levi first, but you were the one that initiated last time, and part of you wants to see if he'll go for it first. You promise yourself that if he doesn't text you by the end of lunch, you'll ask him.

With only a few minutes left of lunch, your phone vibrates with the notification for a message.

Want to stay late tonight?

It's Levi- a text from his personal phone. He always has his lunch in his own office, so you can't see him right now, but you know what he's talking about. You type out your response with shaky fingers.


"What're you so smiley about, Greenie?" someone teases, and you jerk your head up so fast you almost get whiplash. Hange's leaning across the table, elbows propped up and fingers laced together, their chin resting in their hands. "Someone special?" Hange teases.

You can feel your cheeks heating up. Thankfully, the lie comes naturally to you. "Just my friend," you say, forcing down your smile. "We're meeting up this weekend to watch the new episode for one of our favorite shows."

Hange's eyes widen. "Is it Advances of the Tyrant?"

You perk up. "Yeah! You watch it?"

"I love it!" they say excitedly, leaning forwards. "I've been watching it since it came out! The plot is absolutely riveting-"

"Here we go," Jean grumbles from the table over. "You've done it."

"Hange will never stop talking now," Marco says with a laugh.

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