Chapter 10 Chance Encounter

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Kotori had been running for a while. She was unsure of the distance she had run. She was completely sure she wasn't running in a straight line and could only use the sun as a general marker for the correct direction. She was small so it was unlikely she had moved as much as she would have liked. It was approaching midday and Kotori took the time to assess the contents of the sack that Roland had given her.

Inside was a small knife, a few pieces of bread, a small water skin, and a tinderbox. Kotori appreciated the tinderbox since she didn't know how to start a fire, but was unsure of how to use it in the first place. She quickly finished with her small break and began to move again. Although she could slow down her pace Kotori didn't want to stop until she felt she was in a safe position. She noticed something at her feet, it appeared to be a small pile of dirt. That had suddenly appeared she poked it

[that wasn't there before right]

The dirt formed itself into a rat shape.

[oh you]

Kotori had been so preoccupied that she didn't realize that Shu had been with her the entire time. She lifted the small spirit and nuzzled it. Now she had two reminders of the home she once had. She finished her break and began her journey with a renewed vigor.




Kotori and Shu had been walking for a while.

Shu seemed like perching on her shoulder so she let him stay there.

They continued walking until she felt a presence. She immediately stopped and looked around.

"Where's there"

As soon as she said that the presence vanished again. Kotori began to quicken her pace and all she could feel was eyes staring at her. It was unnerving, she couldn't see anyone nearby. Though it was highly likely they were hiding in the forest and undergrowth she knew that whatever it was she didn't want to be associated with it and kept going.

The presence kept getting closer and her quickened pace began to turn into a run. She began to hear footsteps behind her and was unable to ascertain the existence of what was causing them. Not wanting to look back.

When the footsteps grew unbearably close, Kotori pulled out her flute and decided that she would stand her ground.

She began to play the same tune she used on the Count's men. It was a shrill tone that caused people to seize up and Kotori's only offensive tool.

She heard a small yelp and the sound of something falling.

She heard something from above her and quickly moved out of the way. A little while after a person collapses in a small heap in front of her.

Kotori instantly took several steps back.

And readied herself to play another tone.

The body on the ground groaned

"Karma -50"

[I'm really going to lose karma for defending myself, or wait did this person mean me no harm?]

Thinking this, Kotori lowered her guard a little to see who the body was and was surprised to see that her pursuer was a young teen girl. Her face which was scrunched in pain, was lightly tanned and speckled with freckles. Her hair was a burnt orange. And she wore a mottled green suit that probably served as camouflage in the verdant forest. Upon closer inspection Kotorisaw that the girl's ears ended in pointed tips

She stood there watching the girl who continued to lay on the ground and groan

"I think you broke my arm!"

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