Chapter 12 Family Ties (1)

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Kotori had lived in the village for a while.

It was odd for her, nobody was forcing her to do anything which was a big difference from her life living on the farm.

Incidentally, she lived with Amelie who was considered an adult by this world standards and thus lived alone. Kotori herself was also getting closer to adulthood and passed her birthday quietly without anybody to celebrate with. She herself only knew her birthday had passed after she checked her status one day and realized her age had gone from five to six.

Every day she would generally stay at Amelie's house and wait for the people of the village to get back.

She did try to make herself useful sometimes by playing her flute for the villagers when they came back but it seems her presence wasn't particularly important.

In all honesty, she felt like a pet. She also learned that although the boss was a scary person she was actually rather nice. When Kotori asked her for something she would often rudely tell her off, and somehow Kotori would still receive the item later.

For example, one time Kotori asked for some new clothes since her own clothes from when she left the village were tattered and worn. And the bosses responded with.

"What am I? your mother!"

Then the next day the object Amelie came to her with a large package and said that one of the boss's warriors had gifted it to her.

When Kotori looked inside she saw a large swath different from the mottled green clothing that Amelie wore. They all seemed to fit her too.

Kotori would often watch the boss give her a hard expression when talking to her but the moment she thought Kotori wasn't looking that expression would turn into one of worry and concern, and then immediately flip back to her normal combative expression when she notices Kotori looking.

Kotori began to conclude that the boss was a very nice person. And although she had a hard exterior she actually wasn't actually a mean person at all.

The boss also didn't make Kotori do anything which was nice for a while but even now Kotori was beginning to feel restless

But when she asked if she could help with anything around the village the boss only said

"Small fry like you would only bring others down!"

After knowing the boss a bit more, Kotori didn't think that the boss actually thought Kotori would be a detriment to others but rather was trying to protect her in her own way.

[She really is a soft person]

Kotori would often think.

But that didn't mean the boss was a weak person. It was quite the opposite. The few times Kotori saw the boss fight, which was whenever she did sparring with the other warriors in the village was quite an impressive sight. She swung her metal club like it was a wooden switch and with frightening accuracy. Her swings were so strong that they whistled in the air and Kotori felt like they would crush her head.

Kotori had also begun to learn the nature of the village from Amelie. Apparently, this was a village of "Wood elves" which led Kotori to be surprised. Typically, wood elves in fantasy settings seemed to be a very kind and gentle race. This world seemed to flip it on its head. When Kotori asked Amelie about why the wood elves were such meat heads Amelie explained that wood elves had to be strong. They live in a forest filled with dangerous beasts after all. Still, that didn't explain why most of the warriors happened to be women which Kotori accepted as a quirk of wood elf society.

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