Chapter 11 The Boss

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Amelie and Kotori had been walking through the forest for a while when Kotori had begun to notice the undergrowth was getting less thick and trails were beginning to show.

The steady sound of civilization began to grow closer and closer until Kotori realized that they were in fact inside a small village.

She didn't notice it but the house seemed to be carved out of the tree's and thus it wasn't until she was straight in the middle of it did she realize that she was in fact surrounded by buildings.

Despite this, the village was quiet. Unlike the other villages that Kotori had lived in. This one seemed to not have that many people inside of it.

"So where is everybody," She asked

Amelie scratched her head.

"Well, they're all probably out working?"

"Working?" Kotori asked suspiciously

If they were bandits then that would mean their work was "harassing" innocent people for money

Amelie immediately backtracked

"No No No, not like that!"

Amelie sighed

"Look, I was joking earlier, we are not really bandits. People just call us that"

Kotori looked at her quizzically

"Well, there must be some reason why they call you bandits"

"Look," the girl said "people, call us that because we look scary. We just live here. We've always been nice to people that come by, but whenever they see us they throw down their stuff and run away before we can get a chance to explain ourselves."

Amelie actually looked quite sad.

"We're really not all that bad."

"So where is everybody at" Kotori asked

"Ah that, most are probably dungeon diving"


This was the first time Kotori has heard about anything like a dungeon in this world. This world was now starting to sound more like a magical world. Kotori who had been in a small village for her entire life so far was unaware of what was outside her little bubble. Now that she had finally left home she began to feel the vastness of the world.

Amelie didn't seem to notice Kotori,

"Well we'll just wait here for now"

Amelie led Kotori to a small little hut that seemed to be made for public use. There was a well-worn table and chairs already set up so Kotori obliged and sat down with her.

Shu, who was on her shoulder, began to lay on the table and take a nap.

They waited there for the rest of the village to get back.

It was to Kotori's annoyance that Amelie was a very talkative person. She talked at a great length on many topics. In the beginning, Kotori humored her and kept talking with her but eventually, her responses grew in her nodding and saying "hmmm" and "yes that seems interesting" Amelies didn't seem to notice Kotori's disinterest and kept talking. It seems she didn't have very many people to talk to in her village and the arrival of Kotori had unleashed a dam of words that she had kept pent up.

She talked about her life, about her favorite food and least favorite foods, her dreams, and even waxed on about her favorite way to tie her shoes. A subject that she seemed to be especially interested in.

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