Chapter 59

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"It's red now. It actually worked." Dean chuckled.

"At least they weren't shot dead beforehand." Layla added.

Karim's plan all along was to be captured with his father. Since they knew Karim and Tawfiq were in the country, they'd be preparing an army for them. They wouldn't relax until they had them captured. If they had all gone, Yasmine and her people would have been shocked at their number but they would have a hard time going through all those people in a house they knew nothing about. Even if they were able to get through them, there would have been casualties and Yasmine could use that time to escape again with Zaira too. Everything would have been for nothing.

They couldn't waste their element of shock just like that. So they had to sacrifice themselves and hope they wouldn't be killed until Dean and the others came. Marilyn had shown Karim how to send a Morse code so he'd be able to tell them how the guards were positioned and where exactly Zaira would be.

"Something is coming in." Billy noted.

After writing down the decoding of the Morse code, he gave it to Marilyn.

"Army 50, 12 top 8 down 2 gate 3 cpd 5 West 5 East. Z second room top floor." Marilyn read out.

"That's a lot of people. Karim was right. If we had all gone we would have been overwhelmed." Bella crossed her hands over her chest.

"But now we have to act quickly because we don't know when that crazy woman will snap and kill them." Dean said seriously.

"We better get ready."


"You're lying. Karim is in the UAE." Zaira was sure Marilyn would be able to send them back one way or the other.

"Why would I lie? Your husband and his father are right here in this house." Hamid chuckled.

"It was pretty easy getting them. It was like they were handed to us on a silver platter."

Did Marilyn not send them back? Hamid was probably messing with her.

"I don't believe a single word coming from you." Zaira sneered.

"Let me show you."

Hamid unlocked his phone and showed her a video of Karim and Tawfiq. Both with fire in their eyes.

"No! Let them go, you fucker!" Zaira screamed.

"I can't do that. They put their noses into other peoples business." Hamid clicked his tongue.

"I'll do anything for you! Just let them go. Please. Let them go."

"Anything? That sounds nice but unfortunately it's too late." Hamid sighed.

"Anything, Hamid. Anything."

She smiled seductively at him.

"Jafar couldn't have told you in depth of how good I am. I'll make you feel like you are in heaven. Just let them go and all your fantasies will be made possible."

Hamid chuckled and took hold of her jaw.

"As I said, it's too late. Besides, I can do anything I want with you without having to do anything in return. You're the prisoner. Not me." Hamid pushed her roughly aside before leaving the room.

"What have you done, Karim? I can't watch you die. Why didn't you just stay away?" Zaira cried out in pain.

She felt like escaping to just see Karim at least. She wanted to hold him. Touch him, hug him, with him.

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