Chapter 33

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Remember me in your dua🤧❤️
Anyways chapter 33??
Let's get reading then.


"Karim, I know you're standing behind this door. And I know you think the worst of me but please let me out. They'll realize something is up sooner or later and hell will be rained on everything you ever cared about." Zaira muttered from inside her room.

Karim had locked her up in her room in case she decided to run off. And as a safety measure he had sealed of any window to escape from. Even though her room was on the top floor, Karim knew she'd gladly jump out of it meant escaping. And that couldn't happen until he found out what was going on.

He sighed.

"This would be so much easier if you come clean, Zaira. Just tell me what they want to achieve from all this. What their plans are. Just tell me everything and I'll make..."

"I don't fucking know! I told you already! My job was to get you to fall for me! I don't know who or what is behind all this but I know they're dangerous people. That's why you have to let me out!" She screamed.

"Fine. You don't want to tell me anything about the people you work for. But tell me this. What did you gain from all of this? And don't give me that crap about falling in love with me. What were you supposed to gain at the end of everything."

Zaira hesitated for a second and Karim heard her release a breath.

"Everything I have left in this world. That's what I gain from this. And whether you let me out of here by force or not, I will get out. And one way or the other I'm saving the two of you. I don't care how anymore but I'm not sure you will like it." Zaira sneered as she banged the door with her fist.

"If you love me that much, you'd tell me who is after my dad, and why. But I'm not sure you know what love is."

"Oh don't patronize me. Like you've done any better at this heart game. And I've told you countless times, I. Don't. Know." She growled.

Karim was tired of this already. She wasn't ready to talk. And he didn't have any FBI or CIA or Interpol agents waiting to take her to any sandbox.
And she was making him angrier as the seconds ticked by.

"Then tell me what the hell you know!" Karim growled back with the same ferocity.

"I can't. If this doesn't work, everything I've done will be in vain. I can't let that happen."

"So what? You are going to save me? And then what? I'd be grateful to you knowing that my family is hurt because of you? That's a bit low don't you think?" Karim mocked.

"Your family will be fine. Hopefully. As long as they don't get in the way of whatever Jafar and his people want."

"They tried to kill them and if it weren't for you they'd be dead! So, Fine, my ass!"

"If it weren't for me. Remember that Karim. And if you just understand that and leave with me, I'll do everything I can to make sure they're fine."Zaira said softly.

She needed to get out of here. Karim was forcing her to use extreme measures. She didn't want to hurt him more than she had. But locking her in and threatening her with going to the sandbox? He had it coming.

Just let me out, Karim.
We don't need to go any further.

"You don't need to save me or my family anymore. We've stepped up security. We don't need you." Karim said to her.

"You told your father?"

"Until I find out what you want I'm keeping this thing on the low."

There's no security agencies outside then. It was a bluff. If they were, the king would have known. Well played,  Karim. Well played. Now it's my turn to move a piece.

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