Chapter 13

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I know I suck🙄
I tried to get my hands working on this chapter but I was really busy.
But I tried to get this chapter out.
I hope you like it.



He thought about it.

"Because I have to."

"Go away Karim. Leave me alone please. Don't come back here. Ever. "

That was six hours ago. Karim had felt true pain before. Losing Shamsiya was the worst.

But this was different.
He had the chance to tell her why but he couldn't. He couldn't involve her in this.
He had lost her even before he could think of having her. She was precious. Something he couldn't let go.

6 hours ago.

"Where are you going?" His Uncle asked when he got down from his room all dressed up.

"Out. I need to get some stuff." Karim replied.

He was going to see Amira. He hadn't gone to see her in a while. Maybe because he felt guilty. Whatever it was, he was going to see her today and maybe tell her about his spontaneous marriage.

"Your parents are on their way here. Are you sure you need to go right now?"

Karim had forgotten about that. His parents were arriving today. The wedding was 5 days away. They did not need to be here that early but Karim knew why. They wanted to find out why Zaira of all people. It was a given.

" I will be back soon. Don't worry." Karim smiled lightly and walked away without waiting in case he protested.

Amira had started having chemo. She would have her first surgery in two days and her brain surgery a few days after. The doctors were yet to decide according to how the first surgery for the transplant went.

She had texted him and made a joke about how her hair was falling out because of all the drugs she took. Karim had just replied with a smiling emoji. Telling her it'd grow back after everything was over.

In Shaa Allah, she'd get better.

Karim had faith in that.

The drive to the hospital was short. Karim couldn't buy her any pie or anything because she had to be on a really strict diet. Flowers were too many in her hospital room already. He parked close to the main entrance and exhaled. How was he going to tell her he was getting married in 5 days?

He exhaled one last time before opening the compartment in front of the passenger seat to remove a box. He opened it. It was earrings. He had gotten it a few days ago. He liked the color. It looked like it would compliment her skin so he bought it.

He put the small case in a gift bag he had at the back seat. Here goes nothing.

He stepped out of the car into the cold Autumn air. He was glad he wore a jacket. It was getting colder by the day. He wasn't a fan of the cold. Maybe it had something to do with living in the UAE that long.

He walked into the hospital. The first person who recognized him was the nurse behind the desk. He knew a few of the nurses now. He could tell some wanted to kidnap him to keep. He just ignored their stares.

"The pretty boy is back." Pamela beamed.

"Hello Pamela. How are you?" Karim returned the smile with a smile of his own.

"I'm pretty good. How do you do?"

"How do you do."

"Your girl's been all down. She keeps on staring at the door waiting for you to come every visiting. But you don't." Pamela revealed.

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